Orion and Horsehead Nebulae, Andreas Taylor

Orion and Horsehead Nebulae

Orion and Horsehead Nebulae, Andreas Taylor

Orion and Horsehead Nebulae



Acquisition details



A very early astrophotogrphy effort of the Orion and Horsehead complexes.  This is the result of a lot of trial an error using a portable tracker and a mirrorless camera with a medium length telephoto lens. These objects are so bright I had difficuty finding an appropriate ISO to avoid burning out the highlights and eventually settled on an HDR composition at a surprisingly low ISO and two exposure settings of 16 and 200 seconds. All the while trying to learn PixInsight at the same time.  Sure beats taking pictures of sunsets! 

Fuji XT-4
ISO 250
20 X 16"
38 X 3'20"
Fornax Lightrack
No autoguiding
Bortle 3 skies
FWMH 3.5"



Orion and Horsehead Nebulae, Andreas Taylor