Messier 106, Jens Leuteritz

Messier 106

Messier 106, Jens Leuteritz

Messier 106



Acquisition details



With my tiny sensor and 1000mm focal lenght, I am always looking for big, format filling galaxies. Weather was not great this galaxy season, but I managed to get approx. 8 hours total integration time of this beauty. Some clear spring nights and a good guiding made this possible. Besides that, I am working hard on my PixInsight skills.
It's nice to see the details in M106 and also have it's little neighbour nearby. I choose this picture as my first upload here, since it is one of my best ones so far. Looking forward to this community, I am here! :-)

It took awfull lot of time in WBPP to stack 481 sub exposures. :-)



Messier 106, Jens Leuteritz