Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  B144  ·  LBN 168  ·  LBN 171  ·  LDN 847  ·  Sh2-101
Sh2-101 and Cygnus X-1, Ethan Pearson
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Sh2-101 and Cygnus X-1

Sh2-101 and Cygnus X-1, Ethan Pearson
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Sh2-101 and Cygnus X-1



Acquisition details



Black Holes are objects that have captivated me since I was a kid.  Their mysterious yet terrifying nature just sucked me in (no pun intended).  Since getting my first photography rig last year I have wanted to image the area of the tulip and point out the binary system of X-1, but when one of my friends directed me to this site and I saw that others have imaged the shockwave directly with gear similar to mine I knew I had to give it a shot.  Last year was a flop, but nine plus months of refining my processing and a few upgrades later, April rolled by and I started this multi day project.  I was worried my OSC investments might have not been enough, and with intermittent weather I was getting discouraged another year might pass me by like the winter sky.  Luckily I got a break and had a good hand full of days to give it my full attention, and I am glad I did.  I was able to pull some of the blue out of the shock structure without harming the rest of the data too much.  As with everything in the hobby, it can always be better. Its still early in the season so I may try to double my time on it at a later day, maybe travel to B1 skies!


Sky plot

Sky plot


Sh2-101 and Cygnus X-1, Ethan Pearson