Contains:  Solar system body or event
NE Proms UT 2022/02/20 23:00 to 23:22, Peter Marples

NE Proms UT 2022/02/20 23:00 to 23:22

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details




More experimenting when the Sun shines! Had a bit of Sun this morning so thought I would get some data for my coloring in experimentation. Usual gear Lunt 80mmsingle stacked on AVX mount with ZWO174MM, Hinode Guider and 2.5X Powermate. Captured with SharpCap, stacked in AS!3 and processed in IMPPG. I captured 500 avi's for each and saved the best 25%. 9ms exposures and gain set at 180 & 110fps. This is 36 images or 22 minutes of the NE prom that I used Affinity to batch, change the monochrome to color and then open each one and apply my saved curve to before animating in GIMP.  I am guess I should try and write a Macro to just automate this part, unless there is another way in Affinity?
