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Chaos in IC 5070, Alex Woronow

Chaos in IC 5070

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Chaos in IC 5070, Alex Woronow

Chaos in IC 5070



Acquisition details



Chaos in IC 5070

OTA: AP 175

Camera: FLI PL16070

Observatory: Deep Sky West


OIII 16 x 1800”

Ha 20 x 1800”

SII 14 x 1800”

Total Exposure: 25 hrs

Image width ~1 degree

Processed by Alex Woronow (2019-20)

North American Nebula in the region of the “Pelican Nebula”

I hesitate to label this strictly an “artistic rendition” because what you see is really there, just not usually so obvious. Among my many experiments on how to bring more detail to my images, I experimented with various implementations of a thing called a Sobel Operator. Although most implementations of that operator have been tuned to enhance edges, the operator actually delineates slopes or gradients in brightness and color. My coding steps back and simply stops at recognizing slopes In effect, this image portrays the first derivative of the parent image. You should think about viewing a mountain at the low illumination angle of sunset or sunrize--a prime time for photography or painting! This image is similar to that, except in this image the sun sets to the North, East, West, and South, all in the same “painting.” That is, gradients in all directions become pronounced; consequently, the structure and chaos of the nebula comes to the fore.

Comments always welcomed!




Chaos in IC 5070, Alex Woronow