Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)
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An Almost Nothing Nebula, AstroDarks
An Almost Nothing Nebula
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An Almost Nothing Nebula

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An Almost Nothing Nebula, AstroDarks
An Almost Nothing Nebula
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An Almost Nothing Nebula



Acquisition details



The Nothing Nebula!

Presenting a very rarely imaged target, Sh2-124 or the nothing nebula. Named as there is really nothing written about it. 

This target is located in Cygnus at 8500 light years away from us. It bears resemblance to trifid nebula and the it's closest neighbor, the cocoon nebula. Much like the cocoon, this nebula has an intense starfield. An Ha frame revealed 9000 stars in the vicinity of this nebula.

One interesting object I saw while editing is the really tiny smudge that looked like a duck at the center of this image. When I loaded the coordinates to Simbad and Aladin, I could clearly see the target in sky survey. Its a region around V645 Cygni.

V645 Cygni is a star-like condensation in a nebula. The nebula is associated with the rocket-infrared source CRL 2789.  First publication that talked about this region was in 1977. 

Link : https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1988ASSL..142..263G/abstract

I had an eye on this target since last year but since I had only a color camera, I wasn't able to extract much details even with longer exposures. This most definitely is a mono target.

The sharpless catalogue talks about not having an Oiii signal but believe me, that signal is there only a bit dim.


Sky plot

Sky plot


An Almost Nothing Nebula, AstroDarks