Contains:  Solar system body or event
Approach of Mars to opposition 2022: March to May, LacailleOz

Approach of Mars to opposition 2022: March to May

Approach of Mars to opposition 2022: March to May, LacailleOz

Approach of Mars to opposition 2022: March to May



Acquisition details



I had hoped to start this year by imaging from about February, but wet weather and a very large hedge (now trimmed) intervened.  These are the best of the images so far, with Mars increasing from a minute 4.9 to a still tiny 6.2 arcsecs.   Unfortunately, this opposition will not see Mars grow as large as in 2018 (24 arcsecs) or 2020 (22 arcsecs): only 17 arcsecs, and it will not rise very high at opposition here in Canberra.  But I am aiming to make the best of things, and will add compilations of several months at a time as the images come available.You can see the influence of a dust storm in Hellas (the giant impact crater at 30-50 degrees South) in early May that pervaded the atmosphere to the West and caused a loss of contrast; the Southern Polar Cap is steadily diminishing as the southern solstice approaches.



Approach of Mars to opposition 2022: March to May, LacailleOz