Needle Galaxy (NGC4565), Ondřej Pešák

Needle Galaxy (NGC4565)

Needle Galaxy (NGC4565), Ondřej Pešák

Needle Galaxy (NGC4565)



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Gaze into the cosmos and discover NGC 4565, also known as the Needle Galaxy, a spectacle of celestial elegance.

Located over 40 million light-years away in the Coma Berenices constellation, this galaxy presents itself almost edge-on. This unique orientation offers astronomers a perfect side view of its thin, luminous disc and the central bulge that resembles a glowing eye in the vast dark of space.

NGC 4565 challenges our understanding of galaxy structure and dark matter, its majestic spiral arms adorned with clusters of young blue stars and lanes of cosmic dust. Each glance at this image is a glimpse into the infinite, a reminder of the universe’s grandeur and mystery.



Needle Galaxy (NGC4565), Ondřej Pešák