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Sadr Wide Field with L-Extreme and Bortle 8, Jorge Olier

Sadr Wide Field with L-Extreme and Bortle 8

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Sadr Wide Field with L-Extreme and Bortle 8, Jorge Olier

Sadr Wide Field with L-Extreme and Bortle 8



Acquisition details



Imagen de campo amplio aproximadamente centrada en Sadr, segunda estrella más brillante de la constelación del Cisne. Se trata de una imagen sin estrellas, tratada con Starnet2. Se conserva el halo de Sadr por motivos de localización. Son claramente visibles NGC6888 y NGC6914.

Roughly centred wide-field image of Sadr, the second brightest star in the constellation of the Cygnus. This is a starless image, treated with Starnet2. The halo of Sadr is preserved for localisation purposes. NGC6888 and NGC6914 are clearly visible.



Sadr Wide Field with L-Extreme and Bortle 8, Jorge Olier