Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Dorado (Dor)  ·  Contains:  NGC 1955  ·  NGC 1968  ·  NGC 1974  ·  NGC 2004
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LMC #8 - Complex N51 & Open Clusters NGC 1955, NGC 1968 & NGC 1974  (Large Magellanic Cloud), Paul Lloyd
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LMC #8 - Complex N51 & Open Clusters NGC 1955, NGC 1968 & NGC 1974 (Large Magellanic Cloud)

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LMC #8 - Complex N51 & Open Clusters NGC 1955, NGC 1968 & NGC 1974  (Large Magellanic Cloud), Paul Lloyd
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LMC #8 - Complex N51 & Open Clusters NGC 1955, NGC 1968 & NGC 1974 (Large Magellanic Cloud)



Acquisition details



Due north of the LMC’s main galactic bar lies the region designated N51 in Heize's Catalogue
of the LMC Emission Nebulae. It comprises both emission and reflection nebulae, and a
“superbubble”. The superbubble (lower right) is an area that has been sculpted clear of much
of its gas and dust by the pressure of the coronial ejections from the very active stars embedded
within it. Here, the open star cluster, NGC 1955, is presently performing this task.

Moving along the emission nebulosity extending towards the north-east, we encounter the
bright open cluster, NGC 1968, and its lesser cousin, NGC 1974. At the upper left corner is
found NGC 2004, another open star cluster but with a well-defined core, or central compaction
of stars.

Telescope: William Optics FLT110 refractor + 2x Barlow (f = 1540mm)
?Camera:    ZWO ASI294MC Pro, gain = 125
Exposure:  35 x 300 sec, gain = 125, no filter
                  40 x 300 sec, gain = 250, Optolong 7nm H-α filter?
                  Bortle 3-4 sky, < 10% Moon, waning?
Field of View: approx. 0º 30’ x 0º 21’
?Image processed and prepared in PixInsight and Photoshop Elements


Sky plot

Sky plot


LMC #8 - Complex N51 & Open Clusters NGC 1955, NGC 1968 & NGC 1974  (Large Magellanic Cloud), Paul Lloyd