Contains:  Solar system body or event
Solar - Ha - 11/02/2021, AstroGeek

Solar - Ha - 11/02/2021

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Solar - Ha - 11/02/2021, AstroGeek

Solar - Ha - 11/02/2021

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Still learning solar processing, among other items within solar imaging.

I now have a feather touch on my LS50 allowing me to get tighter focus with the EAF + Sharpcap focus aid.

In this image I used my ASI290 (normally my guide camera for DSO) to see if the higher frame rate helped. It certainly creates a ton of data, but less certain that the results from the faster capture rate resulted in a better image compared to my QHY178m. I will testing that camera again in the coming days with the tighter focus and better processing routine.

One side effect of having the 290 here is a smaller FOV, meaning I couldnt capture the whole disk. The resolution is not high enough to crop tighter areas so it seems that you miss either benefit of full disk (without mosaic) or zoomed in features with that equipment combination.

I am thinking about adding a CaK module which would allow use on my various other scopes. Decisions!



Solar - Ha - 11/02/2021, AstroGeek