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IC 1805 (Heart Nebula)  Canon 200mm f3.8 lens 2 hrs in 60 sec subs with 533MC, Rick Evans

IC 1805 (Heart Nebula) Canon 200mm f3.8 lens 2 hrs in 60 sec subs with 533MC

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IC 1805 (Heart Nebula)  Canon 200mm f3.8 lens 2 hrs in 60 sec subs with 533MC, Rick Evans

IC 1805 (Heart Nebula) Canon 200mm f3.8 lens 2 hrs in 60 sec subs with 533MC



Acquisition details



Heart Nebula  imaged during high gibbous moon that was close to full.  Fortunately the L-Extreme filter minimized the light gradient the moon caused.  This Canon lens has a 72mm aperature which I stopped down, with a step down ring, to 52mm.  The gave the normal f2.8 an increase to about f3.8.  I did it to improve star sharpness and contrast. Tracking only, no guiding.



IC 1805 (Heart Nebula)  Canon 200mm f3.8 lens 2 hrs in 60 sec subs with 533MC, Rick Evans