Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Canes Venatici (CVn)  ·  Contains:  NGC 4627  ·  NGC 4631  ·  NGC 4656  ·  NGC 4657  ·  Whale Galaxy
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A whale, a hockey stick and some tidal stream, Rafa Barberá
A whale, a hockey stick and some tidal stream
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A whale, a hockey stick and some tidal stream

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A whale, a hockey stick and some tidal stream, Rafa Barberá
A whale, a hockey stick and some tidal stream
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A whale, a hockey stick and some tidal stream



Acquisition details



NGC 4631 (The Whale Galaxy) and NGC 4656 (The Hockey Stick Galaxy) are two moderate bright and big galaxies on Canis Venatici. They are not only close apparently, but they form a coupled system. Both galaxies has been in gravitational interaction for millon of years. On the last interaction, NGC 4631 generated a tidal stream of gas, dust and stars that was disovered on 2015 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0004-6256/150/4/116.

Today, on 2023, its posible to detect this fain structure with only 12h using a very modest equipment: a 6" newtonian telescope and an entry level OSC CMOS camera.


NGC 4631 (la Ballena) y NGC 4656 (El bastón de Hockey) son dos galaxias moderadamente grandes y brillantes de Canis Venatici. Estas galaxias no solo parecen estar cerca, sino que forman un sistema acoplado gravitatoriamente. Llevan varios millones de años en interacción. En su último encuentro, NGC 4631 genero una cola de marea con todo el gas, polvo y estrellas arrancadas por el encuentro. Esta cola de marea fué descubierta en 2015 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0004-6256/150/4/116.

Hoy, en 2023, es perfectamente posible detectar esta debil estructura con tan solo 12h de exposición realizadas ocn un equipo bastante modesto: un telescopio newton de 6" de apertura y una cámara de principiante, una OSC de las más básicas.




    A whale, a hockey stick and some tidal stream, Rafa Barberá
    A whale, a hockey stick and some tidal stream, Rafa Barberá
  • Final
    A whale, a hockey stick and some tidal stream, Rafa Barberá

Sky plot

Sky plot


A whale, a hockey stick and some tidal stream, Rafa Barberá