Contains:  Solar system body or event

H-alpha Solar Activty 4.22.24 (1st time using video sequence)

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging

H-alpha Solar Activty 4.22.24 (1st time using video sequence)

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



This is my very First time created a video sequence from stacked images.   Image capture as follows:

Loop the following for 1 hour (using SharpCap)
    1,000 frames (ser format) @ 8.9 msec per frame
     wait 50 seconds

Workflow as follows: 

Stacked using Autostakkert and batch processed.
Imppg for image inversion and prominence stretch and then batch processed.
Attempted to used imppg for image stacking registration - didn't work.
Imported TIFF files into photoshop - color registration and alignment (this is a pain in the neck, there must be a better way)

Import *.tiff files into PIPP and created an MPEG-4 video

There is still much to improve and learn (as usual)



H-alpha Solar Activty 4.22.24 (1st time using video sequence), cskozlowski