Contains:  Solar system body or event
A Feathered Friend Transits the Sun, Chase Newtson

A Feathered Friend Transits the Sun

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
A Feathered Friend Transits the Sun, Chase Newtson

A Feathered Friend Transits the Sun

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



The Transit of a Feathered Friend

Our Sun on July 13th, 2022.

What initially was supposed to be a simple session looking at the sun and seeing what the sunspot activity was, I happened to have a little flying friend that wanted to be apart of the picture! I have always had an interest in trying to capture transits like planes or the ISS, but wasn't expecting a bird!  This was a fun learning session for me, as I have never done any type of transit photography.

Makes me wonder what type of bird it was.



A Feathered Friend Transits the Sun, Chase Newtson