Bubble nebula bicolor. Wherein lies the fault? Requests for constructive critique · Rodd Dryfoos · ... · 13 · 967 · 2

Bubble nebula bicolor.  There must be something gravely wrong with this image as few like it.  I see some minor problems, but I must be missing the serious issues. I have processed it enough.  For a bicolor I think it pretty decent.   I question my judgement EC10805E-F9AA-42C4-9F70-141C2295C80C.jpeg
JO_FR_94 6.49
I really like it, though the sky background is a bit too dark for my taste (and we see / guess lots of faint Ha details everywhere ==> like signal was lost during stretching, clipping some blacks). But overall, there are nice details in the bubble itself and the very close nebulosities.
andymw 11.01
It's a wonderful image.
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astrofalls 7.68
Often times likes are not directly related to image quality! Other than the blacks being a bit dark for my taste, it is a great image.
wsg 11.35
Rodd your judgement is fine, there is absolutely nothing gravely wrong with this bicolor Bubble Nebula image you posted back on March 25th that is currently sitting at 92 likes.  In fact 185 of us saw it and liked it when it was the original narrow band image posted in July 2019 which is currently sitting at 186 likes, or the next version that was posted as a new NB image in November of 2021 which is at 205 likes.

Those are enormous numbers of likes that most of us would be more than satisfied to have, and some might even say

 "hey, I got nearly 500 likes from processing the same data set 3 different times, that's pretty good! 

It also might be possible that people, are getting a little tired of seeing images of the Bubble Nebula even though I am not.

Finally, it's important to remember that Astrobin is not a competition after all and 92 likes and counting for a bicolor Bubble Nebula is a respectable number,  but ultimately all that should really matter is that you are happy with the job you have done with your posted image.


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PhotonPhanatic 4.53
It's a great image. Seems like some images on Astrobin get more exposure than others, and let's face it--there are a lot of great images to see. Sometimes I find it interesting to compare my own image with others of the same target, too.
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andymw 11.01
·  1 like
Errm ... the highest number of likes I have ever got is 40 and that was for one of my poorer images.  You are way ahead of many of us on here and as such should be very proud of your images.
HegAstro 12.17
·  1 like
Is the issue a lack of "Likes"? That is not well correlated to the quality of the image.  

I've often felt a good use of RCC, especially for experienced imagers, is to point out the shortcomings they see in their images and ask for specific areas for help.
·  1 like
Thank you all. I am on my phone and do not know how to quote everyone.  Here is a version with the background lifted a bit.
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PeterGoodhew 4.13
·  1 like
It's a great image Rodd.  There's no right or wrong when it comes to a lot of the choices that we make when processing an image. My personal preference would be for a lighter background (around 20-25), and I think that a strtech of the darker parts of the image would enhance the detail.
Well I had to pay for each of the 11 likes I got for my image of the same object !    5 E each in bribes  :-) .  Yours is a good image actually  - nice dramatic quality - it is really just a matter of taste and personal preference how far you stretch it at the lower end (as per suggestions above). 

I suppose that there are also purely technical criteria that make for a great image  - the SNR of the fainter regions and the resolution of fine detail relative to the overall scale?  I would score your image highly on those so well done.  Tim
sargereow 4.52
This is a great image, there is a lot of faint Ha around the Bubble.  
You could brighten the background a bit, but the big issue is you can process an image forever, and never be satisfied.
 I'd be happy with it, go on to the next, keep the data and
 add integration time to it next year, you'll have more data. 
 and see how your 2023 image is compared to your 2022.

                                                                                                                                                              Blue Skies!
                                                                                                                                                              Steve A.
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jerryyyyy 9.03
I'd give you a like, but brighter images are more popular on AB.  I would check your histogram... cannot see it... but I target getting most of the data into the 2nd quartile from the left.. balanced around the 75% point.  Ansel Adams made the Zone System famous with similar principles to balance the image.  He had equal data in 11 zones.

Also consider GHS to stretch it out more... more detail... more interest.... read Adams if you can.
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romonaga 4.82
Rodd Dryfoos:
Bubble nebula bicolor.  There must be something gravely wrong with this image as few like it.  I see some minor problems, but I must be missing the serious issues. I have processed it enough.  For a bicolor I think it pretty decent.   I question my judgement EC10805E-F9AA-42C4-9F70-141C2295C80C.jpeg

As others here have said.  I would be happy with even half of your likes.  Very few of my images get over 10 likes, even if I consider them to be as good or better than some of the image of the day.  So I am not sure what you are expecting, other than pump your likes by posting how little likes you get.

Be happy you have nice images and that you are getting so many likes for just reprocessing the same image data over and over.
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