How outnumbered are we? Women Astrophotographers · Linda · ... · 31 · 528 · 0

carastro 8.21
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Hi Megan,

Yes it is primarily a men's hobby, and likewise I have mostly been on my own.  Though in the early days there was one other woman Astrophotographer in my group but she dropped off the scene a few years back and I am on my own with male Astrophtographers, which actually doesn't bother me too much.   I must say this must be the friendliest and most helpful hobby around with every-one regardless of gender seeming only too happy to share their knowledge and give advice.  I would not be where I am today imaging without all the help I have been given over the years and now I am in the position of giving out advice. 

Having to take hubby with you every time you go out is going to be somewhat of a drawback if it is not his hobby, because you'll find as you progress that long long hours are needed to capture just one image, sometimes over several nights, he is soon going to get fed up with that.

Hope you manage to find somewhere you can image and not feel uncomfortable, a back yard is obviously the best solution.  Do you have a good friend who has a back garden you can use perhaps?   Whilst I have my own backyard and observatory, I live in the city suburbs (Bortle 8) and surrounded by trees and houses, so many targets I cannot do from home, but I have an astro friend (male of course) who lives in Bortle 5 and lets me set up in his garden sometimes with better horizons and where I can do some LRGB which I can;t do from home.  We also go to Astronomy campsites in Bortle 4 from time to time. 

KathyNS 5.12
Hi, just found this group! I'm relatively new to astrophotography, I've done a small amount over the past 10 years but have only really started taking it seriously. It is very intimidating to join any astronomy/astrophotography groups locally as they are primarily older men and I'm in my late 20's and still have a lot to learn that I don't think I would have much to contribute.

Hi, Megan.  Welcome to the group!

Astrophotography and astronomy in general, like most scientific fields, are still mostly male-dominated.  There is nothing much we can do about that other than encourage younger women (that would be you) to join us and participate.  So I am glad you are here.

I am lucky to have my own observatory which runs itself while I sleep.  But I understand that this is a privilege that not everyone can enjoy.  Do look out for your own safety, but find ways to enjoy this hobby anyway, with your husband, with female members of a local club, or even with trusted male members of a club.

Never doubt your own contributions.  Everyone has to start somewhere, and it is by sharing your efforts as you progress that you pick up new techniques and skills.  One thing I have found is that astronomers, male or female, are overwhelmingly helpful.

ac4lt 1.81
Welcome, Megan! Don't let the "old fogies" intimidate you! My experience has been similar to what the others have local club has been very accepting and a great place to learn. Now, a few years later, I get to help others a bit who are starting on their journeys. Feel free to ask questions here as well! Looking forward to seeing your work!
Isa_Astroatelier 3.34
·  1 like
Welcome Megan to the astrophotographer club! Interesting discussion here. While I haven't found my local astroclub helpful - same like you, members are 99% men in their 50s, 60s and up - I don't care so much about it, frankly. Grew up with a dad who was a pilot and we spent a lot of time in pilot circles, all men back in the 1980s, so I'm used to it. When I took my flying lessons, occasionally I was laughed at but that quickly stopped. As far as astrophotography is concerned, I was always pretty much on my own but luckily I have a great Twitter friend who is an excellent astronomer and who gives me valuable advice, so I really appreciate it. Overall, the "virtual" guys have always shown much respect so no problem.

Don't let others intimidate you or feel inferior, to the contrary, do your thing, pursue your goals. It's excellent that your partner joins you at night outdoors. Safety is very important. And ask for advice here or on other social media fora. You'll get great feedback most of the time.

Cs and best wishes, Isa
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Larabee 1.51
Hi from Western Australia 
it’s been great to read about your experiences. 
I’ve taken up astrophotography in my 50s, had to wait until my children had grown up and left home to get the time for this amazing but challenging “hobby” (obsession! :-)).
I had always been interested in astronomy and 25 years ago bought my first basic Newtonian reflector to find my way around the night sky. 
I haven’t experienced any barriers personally -  but as has been mentioned you need an interest in the technical, maths , image processing side of things. I work as a radiologist so I’m lucky to be surrounded by “science nerds “ at work , many female now. Most of my younger colleagues are juggling family and work.  My husband is very supportive and carries the heavy stuff when I need help, encourages me when I’m get a bit frustrated! 
Because of Covid I’ve mostly had virtual interaction with the Astro community and we have a local FB group that is very encouraging and supportive.  Quite a few younger women involved too which is great to see!  
I like to enthuse about astronomy to friends’ children when they visit us, particularly girls. They need some “sciencey” role modelling from us all!
 Best regards
RIGEL33 0.00
·  1 like
Il est très intimidant de rejoindre des groupes d'astronomie / astrophotographie localement car ce sont principalement des hommes plus âgés et je suis dans la fin de la vingtaine et j'ai encore beaucoup à apprendre que je ne pense pas avoir beaucoup à apporter.

Bienvenue Megan
KathyNS 5.12
Bienvenue, Corine!

Vous pouvez apporter l'enthousiasme  et le vitalité de la jeunesse.  Et quelle meilleur endroit pour apprendre que dans un groupe des vieillards?  Soyez brave!

J'ai trouvé que les astronomes sont tres gentils, même les vieillards.

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