Probably taboo, but how much has your hobby cost so far? Generic equipment discussions · Andy Wray · ... · 159 · 10000 · 10

Astrobird 10.16
To the actual question ...

I don't know exactly, but I estimate we've spent about $20,000 on equipment so far. 

That's partly because I'm not the type to pick one discipline and become an expert in it. I'm more of a general-purpose dilettante who can't help but try DSO, planets, sun, and spectroscopy. Since all disciplines require specialized equipment, the costs have piled up. 

The dream of a small observatory is on the agenda for the future. But as long as we live in an apartment building with a small garden, this will remain a dream.
Isa_Astroatelier 3.34
Olaf Fritsche:
Oops! Do you all really have such problems with your wives when it comes to astrophotography equipment?

Well, my wife is totally into the hobby. We also discuss every investment together, and sometimes I have to stop her when a camera or telescope is insanely great, but nonsensical for our local seeing.

Well, my wife also studied physics and likes smoky Islay whisky, but is not into fashionable clothes and a new sofa every year. In this respect, she is not typical in many respects.

Thanks, Olaf for your comment! While my husband isn't so much into astrophotography, he often comes outside with me, enjoying the nigh sky. Next we'll observe the Planets together with the newest telescope that just arrived yesterday. An investment we discussed together. CS to you and your wife! Best, Isa
kuechlew 7.75
·  1 like
Thank you Isa and Olaf. I was already wondering whether you have to choose between AP hobby or a happy marriage ...

Just starting with the hobby I set myself a budget of 10 k for this year. Sounds like a lot but it's for scope(s), books, automation equipment and software, mount and daytime photography too.  And I started solar, lunar and a bit of wide field DSO at the same time - which may have been a mistake in retrospect.  This sort of results in 3 setups. Obviously there is some overlap between the tigs, e.g. the automation part can be used for each of them.

It's now beginning of June and I have a bit more than 2k left . What to do if at the end of the money there is so much yeat left ...
My plan is to mainly collect experience with these initial rigs for at least 1 year, so budget for next year will be small. Based on my experience I will decide whether to extend for longer reach - currently I don't have a suitable setup for galaxy season - or whether to stick to what I currently have. 

Clear skies

Please remember the joke from another thread (sorry, I forgot the source): After your death your wife will sell your equipment for the price you told her ...
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Isa_Astroatelier 3.34
Thank you Isa and Olaf. I was already wondering whether you have to choose between AP hobby or a happy marriage ...

Just starting with the hobby I set myself a budget of 10 k for this year. Sounds like a lot but it's for scope(s), books, automation equipment and software, mount and daytime photography too.  And I started solar, lunar and a bit of wide field DSO at the same time - which may have been a mistake in retrospect.  This sort of results in 3 setups. Obviously there is some overlap between the tigs, e.g. the automation part can be used for each of them.

It's now beginning of June and I have a bit more than 2k left . What to do if at the end of the money there is so much yeat left ...
My plan is to mainly collect experience with these initial rigs for at least 1 year, so budget for next year will be small. Based on my experience I will decide whether to extend for longer reach - currently I don't have a suitable setup for galaxy season - or whether to stick to what I currently have. 

Clear skies

 no, I didn't have to choose AP over happy marriage so far haha! Again with the budget I think it's very individual, what you want to do, where you want to go. A roadmap is a good thing for me. Bought my first really excellent refractor in Sept 2019 and I still haven't done as much DSO-photography as I would like to. Mostly due to bad weather plus had to wait for months last year for my new mount after the rotten one broke down for good. Worked with my DSLR for many months last year then added a CCD mono with all this implies. With galaxy season, aperture hunger kicked in so I'm now up to my second refractor. Ultimate goal is a dome which should arrive early next year. But that's a totally different story since I'm not even sure yet I will be able to set it up here where we live because of our local authorities. So I'm currently working on an alternative location abroad.

In short, I would stick to what you have currently, experiment and take it step by step. Best & clear skies, Isa
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dweinbrenner 2.11
In about 12 months I‘ve spent around 27k€. 🐱
That includes two EQ6-R, Esprits 100 & 120, two 2600MM alongside filters and accessories and quite some apprentice dues. 

No taboo in my house, my wife doesn’t want to know so I respect that. I buy what makes me happy and so does she. 🫠
kuechlew 7.75
Dominik Weinbrenner:
... and quite some apprentice dues. 

This would be worth an own thread: What is the percentage of money wasted by taking wrong decissions? In my case out of the 8k so far I would judge less than 1 k "wrong" in the sense that the equipment was sort of a fail or more of a nuisance than a support of my start into astrophotography. But around 3k I would call "premature", expenses I could and should have postponed in favour of a better informed decission later on. On the other hand "knowing better afterwards" is a sign of progressing knowledge. So there most likely is no perfect time to decide what to buy. At some point you just have to jump.

Clear skies
DalePenkala 15.85
Olaf Fritsche:
Oops! Do you all really have such problems with your wives when it comes to astrophotography equipment?

Well, my wife is totally into the hobby. We also discuss every investment together, and sometimes I have to stop her when a camera or telescope is insanely great, but nonsensical for our local seeing.

Well, my wife also studied physics and likes smoky Islay whisky, but is not into fashionable clothes and a new sofa every year. In this respect, she is not typical in many respects.

Olaf, you and Isa’s are one of the lucky ones! 2 X wives tell me I’m screwed up and I am out of touch with reality! In the end its my 2 boys and my observatory/astronomy that keeps me going. Problem now is waiting for clouds to go away! 😊
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digoiron 0.00
Well, really so much! An exemple: My hobby cost 4300$ and the minimum wage where I live is 252$ monthly.  I win more than it, but it still expensive!
Jbis29 1.20
John Favalessa:
I have two numbers, one under general accounting principles and the other is the one I tell my wife!  🤑

This is hilarious. I’m always saying “ya but babe this thing is sooo much better than the last thing”
Tombee 1.51
My main rig is the budget version when it comes to astrophoto.

I'm using a cheap Newtonian (SW 150pds) with simple ASI533MC on a HEQ5.
Easy guidning with Orion 50mm guide scope and ASI120MMmini connected to an ASIAIRpro.
Also using ZWO EAF and mini EFW with some useful filters.
Think this has cost me only around 5000 USD.

Works well as long it isn't to windy outside...
rroesch 1.20
Yep, definitely taboo, at least with my lady. I have been snatching $20/ week from her purse for the last 2 years  and have about $2000 saved up. I just haven't been able to figure out how to purchase in cash as she sees all the credit card/ Pay Pal statements. A few times I have used Cashier checks. Thoughts appreciated.

ask a friend to buy it for you and give him the cash
davidRosenthal 5.49
I have no intention to ever even think about coming up with a total. Nope. Not gonna do it.
22brb 0.00
·  1 like
Damn I don't think I would even want to know to be honest..
I got a 50 year carrier in precision optics from building telescopes in high school. So as a fraction of that income, very little...

Current project adds to a 10 acre  parcel in the south eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains with two other instruments on site in domes.
17" CDK telescope
Software Bisque Taurus 400 mount
10' Dome on a cinderblock and wood building, currently under construction
Solar panel and battery system on order
F/4.5 focal reduced one shot color ASI6200
F/6.8 with full compliment of RGB and Narrowband Astrodon-Chroma filters and ASI 6200 mono camera
Computer system
Starlink for remote control and image download

a hand full of eyepieces:

              41mm Panoptic              72 power 0.90 degree FOV 6mm exit pupil
              31mm Nagler Type 5      95 power 0.82 degree FOV 4.6mm exit pupil
              21mm Ethos                    140 power 0.71 degree FOV 3.1 exit pupil
              10mm Ethos                    294 power 0.35 degree FOV 1.5mm exit pupil
              2X powermate
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dallyack 0.00
I'll jump on the bandwagon here. Maybe if I speak about my addiction, it'll help me realize I have a problem... maybe!
I had been doing mainly visual astronomy for years now. My father pointed out the Orion constellation to me one night when I was about 12 and I've been hooked ever since.

Over the years I had done some casual AP here and there, well attempted AP, with my DSLR and my Meade Starfinder 10. It wasn't until the pandemic hit that I thought, what a better time to finally do it the right way. 

Careful what you wish for... lol!

Meade Starfinder 10" (too long ago to remember.)
ES ED102 - $999
Apertura RC6 < $500
GSO 250mm Newt - $699
Celestron C8 SCT - SOLD
2 - FocusCube v2 - $600
1 - MoonLite CF - $730
 Pocket PowerBox - $200

Celestron OAG - $250
ASI 120mm mini - $150
Meade LPI-G Color - $150
ASI 294mm Pro - $1500
ZWO EFW - $299
ZWO LRGB Filters ~ - $150
Optolong HA - $195
Optolong OIII - $195

Celestron CGX - $2300
HyperTune for CGX - $500
Celestron AVX - SOLD

MeLE Quiter2 Mini PC - $299

Guide scopes, cables, dew strips, extenders, spacers, adapters, dovetail plates and tons of other stuff... waaay too much, I'm sure!

So, I'm probably north of $10k, but... that's not bad? Right?

- Darryl
StellarHitchhiker 2.11
I'd guess probably somewhere around $3500 so far? I bought my DSLR probably about 6 years ago now and am ready for a new one (I have no live view ) and then the odd filter/camera accessory. Biggest purchases recently were my star tracker and small refractor. Just buying what I can when I can, although buying nicer equipment is currently not a financial priority for me. My telescope and tracker are only about a year old now (and not nearly as much of that time actually used, thanks to clouds)  so I feel like I have a lot I can do and learn from them before I'm ready to invest significantly more money.
kuechlew 7.75
I'd guess probably somewhere around $3500 so far? I bought my DSLR probably about 6 years ago now and am ready for a new one (I have no live view ) and then the odd filter/camera accessory. Biggest purchases recently were my star tracker and small refractor. Just buying what I can when I can, although buying nicer equipment is currently not a financial priority for me. My telescope and tracker are only about a year old now (and not nearly as much of that time actually used, thanks to clouds)  so I feel like I have a lot I can do and learn from them before I'm ready to invest significantly more money.

Once you consider upgrading your camera, look for a model with "live view boost". For an explanation and demo of what this achieves you may watch (3) Olympus Tutorial: "Live View Boost" On1 & On2 explained - See in the dark! ep.56 - YouTube. Most modern cameras should have this feature  but you may have to check if you buy some older model.

Clear skies
Rouzbeh 8.40
·  1 like
John Hayes:
Even your co-workers can see that your health is starting to suffer from all the sleep you are losing as you try to dial in that newest scope each night long after you wife went to sleep.

That is the main takeaway right there!

To the OP:
I don't have anything out of the ordinary but I can tell you I spent more than that on 1 (of many) filter set!

Than again, some folks are happy with a 10" Skywatcher newt for years and a color cam
madrobby 2.62
As far as hobbies go astrophotography is actually not all that expensive. Try horse riding, or old cars or even normal photography for comparison...

Plus you can combine AP with other hobbies, like traveling and hiking!

Anyway, I probably spend like ten grand all in all since starting late last year.
MikeF29 11.33
I've spent a lot...  Not an outlandish amount, but a lot.  Fortunately, I have a supportive wife who encourages me to enjoy this avocation.  Like many of you folks, I've worked hard in my career and have been successful and so why not spend some dough on things I love and enjoy?

I have friends who do off-road racing, thoroughbred horse racing, aviation, classic cars, whatever...  All of those things are expensive especially if you want to do it at the highest levels. 

But why do we work so hard in our lives?  One reason should be to enjoy the fruit of that labor.  

Joking with  a friend of mine I compared money spent on astrophotography to sitting in a pub every other night.  If one spends 180 days a year sitting in a pub drinking beer at a modest $30 a night, he will have spent $5,400 in a year.  The difference in spending the same $5,400 a year on astrophotography equipment versus drinking bear in a pub?  It does not end up getting flushed down the toilet after an hour or so, lol...
andymw 11.01
Michael Feigenbaum:
Joking with  a friend of mine I compared money spent on astrophotography to sitting in a pub every other night.

Errm ... How about doing both?  Pubs on cloudy nights and astrophotography on the clear nights?  Sounds good to me ;)
kuechlew 7.75
Andy Wray:
Michael Feigenbaum:
Joking with  a friend of mine I compared money spent on astrophotography to sitting in a pub every other night.

Errm ... How about doing both?  Pubs on cloudy nights and astrophotography on the clear nights?  Sounds good to me ;)

The 3 ways to go broke:
- the fastest way: alcohol
- the most pleasurable way: women
- the most reliable way: astro photography

Clear skies
CorralesRay 1.20

I felt bad about my astro purchases until a guy a work told me that he is into drag racing and he spent $24k on a dragster with no engine!

I have purchased 2 astro modified DSLRs (sold one this week); 2 astro dedicated cameras (sold 1); 2 mounts (gave one away); 2 sets of filter wheels / filters (sold one set); 3 telescopes (sold 2). Then there is PI, Adam Block, Sharp Cap, New Laptop for NINA imaging control, Starizona auto focuser, Pegasus USB / Power control; Batteries (3 AGMs). And, I give myself a pass here, a new 25" pc monitor with top color accuracy reviews (HP not a BenQ) to ensure my post processing was semi-accurate.

So many of the previous posts are true, I rarely tell my wife about a purchase before hand, because she will not be impressed that such a purchase is needed. 

At least I may have come to a realization that unless I willing to really change my set up from a 104mm refractor, I am probably at a good spot equipment wise. New items to spend $$ on may include narrow band filters if I decide NB might be a new direction to pursue or a permanent pier or observatory.

With all that babbling, I've bet I've spent $10K gross and hopefully $5k net.

Cuiv the Lazy Geek posted this video awhile back, I found it amusing:

Clear Skies.

Roy-Hagen 10.10
Yep, definitely taboo, at least with my lady. I have been snatching $20/ week from her purse for the last 2 years  and have about $2000 saved up. I just haven't been able to figure out how to purchase in cash as she sees all the credit card/ Pay Pal statements. A few times I have used Cashier checks. Thoughts appreciated.

Maybe it is a problem with the communication between us and our better , and often more sensible part in the marriage? 
I did a search for communicating problem solving tools on the internet, and found a a couple of devices that may be helpful.
The Manslator 
The Hubby-vision
normmalin 0.00
·  1 like
John Favalessa:
Seriously, unlike golf where you’re still hack even if you spend lots of money on new equipment, Astro photography does get better the more you spend. Really is unfortunate.

As a golfer and AP enthusiast, I agree 100%!  I  have never purchased a new piece of equipment and not observed a significant improvement in image quality.  But to answer the OP --  about half a car.
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