Probably taboo, but how much has your hobby cost so far? Generic equipment discussions · Andy Wray · ... · 159 · 9998 · 10

DarkSky7 3.81
Well, all of my stuff has been acquired over 40 years, so hard to say.  But a quick sum shows roughly $7000 since 1980, including the high school graduation gift from my parents (my 13" reflector).
5 OTA's- all reflectors
3 mounts (one is a dob)
A mirror refigure
Plus any janky stuff and electronics I have built over the years

My dream scope was that Coulter 13.1" back in the day, and it still is, but now it's on an EQ.    A real blessing!  Refigured, it's a beast and it is giving me results that I only dreamed about as a green 14-year-old!  There's always new gadgets to make an old thing work a little better!

What was it that  a rich man was once asked? "How much is enough?"  His answer: "Just a little bit more"

Maybe that old Odyssey1 Blue box sonotube will make a good coffin, haha!
b_kassabov 3.53
Kevin Morefield:
20 - 40k will get you to your dream equipment

The problem is your dream changes    I'm building my third dream set up right now...


OOOOOOOh I know what you mean. I got a friend and sometimes wonder what attracts him more - astrophotography or byuing and selling equipment. In a 10 yrs period I know him changing at least 10 telescopes and few mounts. Each time stating "THIS" gear is perfect.
CrestwoodSky 2.41
Andy Wray:
I see such a wide range of equipment on here, so was just wondering what the average spend on this hobby is for people on here.  So far (excluding bits and pieces like laser collimators etc.) I have spent about $4,800 in total on my primary rig (OTA, Mount, Camera, filter wheel, filters, coma corrector, guide camera, control PC, autofocusser).  I'm guessing that I'm on the lower end of things.  I've used US dollars as a standard for comparison.

I'm just trying to get a feel for what I might need to budget for going forwards ;)

Prior to 2019, I was merely dabbling, using low end scopes and mounts (like the Meade LXD-75) and a variety of lower end cameras (DSI, DSI Pro, Starshoot Pro, modded Canon T2i). After purchasing a real mount in 2019 (an EQ6-R), I became more serious and quickly added two new refractors, an ASI1600mm Pro & filter wheel, and various software (Pixinsight, APT) and accessories. When I moved from NY to AZ in 2021, I added two more refractors (including a RedCat 51), the new ASI2600mm Pro & filter wheel, and more accessories (electronic focusers, etc.).

I would say that since 2019, I have spent just over $11,000 on equipment, accessories and software. That does not include the Celestron Edge 8 that has been on order for months (and might possibly be delivered in July) and the observatory that I am hoping to construct out here (around $10,000).

While it sounds like a lot of money (and it is), I have to say that I am very satisfied. The quality of images that amateurs can take just blows me away - it was unimaginable in the 90's or early 00's. And the new technology has made the process so much easier. 

You can spend a fortune on almost any hobby if you really try. As long as you feel rewarded by the results, that's all that counts. 

At this point, I consider it all a worthwhile investment.
andymw 11.01
My rule of thumb is that I must not spend more than my wife spends on Spa days, facials, make-up, clothes, shoes etc..  Thankfully that gives me quite a lot of leeway.  I don't question her on any of those things and she doesn't question me on any of my incremental bits and pieces   Win-win
StuartT 4.69
Chase Newtson:
Luckily I am single and have no need to hide any information on what I have spent 🤣

Yep. Me too. It's a distinct advantage in this hobby!
PatrickGraham 5.70
I get caught up in the "If only I had this piece of equipment, my images would be perfect".   So I buy that piece of equipment and still struggle to get the results I want.  The  cycle of insanity repeats.  I've learned to use what I have and to become proficient with that.  In answer to your question, I've spent around 50,000 dollars.  Way more than I probably needed to, but I've got the best equipment and it should last me a lifetime..............until the next newest, "I've gotta have this" comes around!!.  Fortunately, I have the support of my wife which makes a big difference and allows me to rein myself in on just buying stuff.

Clear skies, Andy

For John Hayes.....I'm powerless over this hobby and my life has become unmanagable!!

Patrick Graham
andymw 11.01
Patrick Graham:
I'm powerless over this hobby and my life has become unmanagable!!

I guess I too am consumed by this hobby, however my 15 month old granddaughter keeps me grounded as spending time with her is clearly more special than obsessing over this hobby.
astrograndpa 13.23
Roy-Hagen 10.10
John Favalessa:

AstroDan500 5.63
I came from bird photography, this hobby is cheap... a nice new Sony A1 with the 600 f4 is about $21,000.
I have 2 astro rigs for half of that.
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im not writing it down.. sorry..
Im in denial.!!

I don't think there some magic threshold that once you reach it you will be in astro-nirvana.
Its all very personal and personally I have set a limit for now.
Maybe theres a bare minimum for a decent photo.. Im sure most are well past that already.
Woz1961 0.90
·  1 like
Started with a DSLR and an ioptron skyguider...4 scopes and nearly 2 complete set ups under 2 years and im in the gutter with everybody else here🤣
doc_cj 0.90
I've been fairly serious about astronomy for the last 14 months. During that time, I bought and sold many used telescopes and related equipment. I started off with EQ127, moved quickly to a 4" Dobsonian, then onto a 12" Dob before turning to a 16" Meade Dob that was at least 15 years old. Of course, I didn't do any real astrophotography during this time but did some experiments with a Nikon D3300 camera. As I moved from one setup to the next I've been able to resell and recover my money. For a few items, I've even made money. At this point, I think I have spent $10k but only out of pocket about $800. That all changed this week, though. 

I'm finally stepping into astrophotography seriously, so I just spent about $3200 on new equipment. I'm still waiting for some of it to show up, so I don't have a picture of the system yet, but it should all be here by the middle of next week. I've looked at AP equipment for a long time. I've read all kinds of stuff on sites like this, and many others, as well as magazines, books, and videos on the art of AP. At this point, I believe my new system is a decent beginner system. I hope it will give me good service for a long time. Here's what I bought:

1. William Optics ZenithStar 81 with the .85 reducer -- $1010
2. William Optics New 50mm Guiding Scope (with a Unique 1.25 inch RotoLock) -- $149
3. ZSO ASI120mc guide camera -- $149
4. ZWO ASI533mc Pro main camera -- $995
5. Sky-Watcher EQM-35 Equatorial GoTo Mount -- $970

Total for all that is around $3270. If you add in the $800 I'm already out for my earlier systems, then my total so far is around $4250.

While on this topic I wanted to also throw out a few other hobbies I've enjoyed which have their own high price of admission. I got into ham radio about 5 years back and spent more than $4000 buying a new radio (ICOM IC-7300), antenna (actually three antennas), power supply, amplifier, and a host of other accessories. I can't talk to the planets or stars yet, but I can talk pretty much around the world. 

I was into woodworking for a long time when I was in my 30s and 40s. Looking now at the cost to buy all the equipment I had for that hobby reveals that I would easily spend over $10k. 

And of course, I was really big into golf when I was in business for myself. It was an excellent way to build the business. A new golf cart today will cost you easily $15k. Some will ask, why do you need a cart? For the same reason I need a new telescope. I got into golf, woodworking, ham radio, and a dozen other hobbies over the years to reward myself for hard work. So in relation to these hobbies, and I'm sure some of you have similar experiences, I'd say my cost to date for AP is well within limits.  

Thanks for reading. I've really enjoyed the discussion so far, I hope more will post their tales of financial madness for us to read.
@kanak.rt 0.00
I haven't begun my journey yet but this is what I've planned to purchase

Initial Setup:
William Optics RedCat 51 - 70000/-
Canon R7 - 130000/-
iOptron Sky Guider Pro with iPolar - 52000/-
iOptron Mini Guide Scope with GuideCam - 18000/-
Optolong L-Pro 2" Filter - 15000/-
Optolong L-Extreme 2" Filter - 17000/-
ZWO ASI Air Plus - 30000/-
Celestron PowerTank - 21000/-

Grand Total: 3,53,000/- or $4,584

Things to purchase later:
Celestron C8 SCT/ 8" EDGE HD - 180000/-
ZWO ASI2600MM Pro - 250000/-
iOptron CEM40G EQ Mount - 200000/-
Optolong Narrowband Filter (2" SHO) - 80000/-
ZWO Filter Drawer - 5000/-
ZWO Electronic Auto Focuser 19000/-
ZWO Off Axis Guider - 7000/-
Celestron f/0.63x or f/0.7x Reducer - 18000/- OR 35000/-  

Grand Total: 7,76,000/- or $10,077

All the prices mentioned is actually INR (Indian Rupees), I need to pay 18% GST or Tax for all the products in this list. 

The total cost is $14,661 in India, and for the same setup it costs around $12,022 in the USA
AstroDan500 5.63
·  1 like
Carl Franklin:
I've been fairly serious about astronomy for the last 14 months. During that time, I bought and sold many used telescopes and related equipment. I started off with EQ127, moved quickly to a 4" Dobsonian, then onto a 12" Dob before turning to a 16" Meade Dob that was at least 15 years old. Of course, I didn't do any real astrophotography during this time but did some experiments with a Nikon D3300 camera. As I moved from one setup to the next I've been able to resell and recover my money. For a few items, I've even made money. At this point, I think I have spent $10k but only out of pocket about $800. That all changed this week, though. 

I'm finally stepping into astrophotography seriously, so I just spent about $3200 on new equipment. I'm still waiting for some of it to show up, so I don't have a picture of the system yet, but it should all be here by the middle of next week. I've looked at AP equipment for a long time. I've read all kinds of stuff on sites like this, and many others, as well as magazines, books, and videos on the art of AP. At this point, I believe my new system is a decent beginner system. I hope it will give me good service for a long time. Here's what I bought:

1. William Optics ZenithStar 81 with the .85 reducer -- $1010
2. William Optics New 50mm Guiding Scope (with a Unique 1.25 inch RotoLock) -- $149
3. ZSO ASI120mc guide camera -- $149
4. ZWO ASI533mc Pro main camera -- $995
5. Sky-Watcher EQM-35 Equatorial GoTo Mount -- $970

Total for all that is around $3270. If you add in the $800 I'm already out for my earlier systems, then my total so far is around $4250.

While on this topic I wanted to also throw out a few other hobbies I've enjoyed which have their own high price of admission. I got into ham radio about 5 years back and spent more than $4000 buying a new radio (ICOM IC-7300), antenna (actually three antennas), power supply, amplifier, and a host of other accessories. I can't talk to the planets or stars yet, but I can talk pretty much around the world. 

I was into woodworking for a long time when I was in my 30s and 40s. Looking now at the cost to buy all the equipment I had for that hobby reveals that I would easily spend over $10k. 

And of course, I was really big into golf when I was in business for myself. It was an excellent way to build the business. A new golf cart today will cost you easily $15k. Some will ask, why do you need a cart? For the same reason I need a new telescope. I got into golf, woodworking, ham radio, and a dozen other hobbies over the years to reward myself for hard work. So in relation to these hobbies, and I'm sure some of you have similar experiences, I'd say my cost to date for AP is well within limits.  

Thanks for reading. I've really enjoyed the discussion so far, I hope more will post their tales of financial madness for us to read.

I don't think you are finished as your mount will barely carry that setup. I have the EQM 35 and use it with a Williams 71 and asi294 and it is just adequate.
The 81 is too large for the Eqm-35 I think but good luck.
I have the Williams 81 and use it with the EQ6.
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DalePenkala 15.85
·  1 like
John Favalessa:

JamesR 5.88
A lot...

But to be fair.. there is no shortage of expensive hobbies out there.. so if it wasn't astro gear...  I'd be blowing "fun money" on something else. 
CN_Astrophotography 4.01
A lot...

But to be fair.. there is no shortage of expensive hobbies out there.. so if it wasn't astro gear...  I'd be blowing "fun money" on something else. 

And it's becuase of those other hobbies that I have to split my fun money!!  haha
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HegAstro 12.24
This is beginning to look like an Astrophotographers Anonymous group session. 

I just added up what I've spent so far over the last five years and realized I spent enough to buy a well equipped midsize car in cash and have money left over.

BTW, that cartoon that John Favalessa posted should be IOTD.
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andymw 11.01
OK, all those responses were very cathartic ... I feel much better now and not worried about spending a bit more on my hobby ;)
anything   under 5k is modest. Not to trivialize 5k.Thats alot of money. But in terms of the amount of"gear" available to us.

Gear being an appropriate word  ,as it can be addictive if your not careful.
doc_cj 0.90
Dan Kearl:
I don't think you are finished as your mount will barely carry that setup. I have the EQM 35 and use it with a Williams 71 and asi294 and it is just adequate.
The 81 is too large for the Eqm-35 I think but good luck.
I have the Williams 81 and use it with the EQ6.

You are correct, Dan. The mount is too light to handle all of the equipment, so the plan is to use it for more EAA than anything else. If my figures are correct, for the ZS81, the ASI533, and the related cables, etc., I should be a shade under 12 lbs. which will make for a decent EAA setup. That, of course, raises the issue of what to do with the guide scope and camera.

It also brings us to the next question, how much do you plan to spend in the foreseeable future. For me, that's going to be at least another $3k this year alone. I want to get a bigger mount system, likely something along the lines of EQ6 or better, and then also maybe a nice 10" Newtonian. I figure the main camera will work for both, and in the end I'll end up with systems that will be good for a wide variety of jobs. 

GalacticRAVE 6.02
morefield 11.37
Boyan Kassabov:
Kevin Morefield:
20 - 40k will get you to your dream equipment

The problem is your dream changes    I'm building my third dream set up right now...


OOOOOOOh I know what you mean. I got a friend and sometimes wonder what attracts him more - astrophotography or byuing and selling equipment. In a 10 yrs period I know him changing at least 10 telescopes and few mounts. Each time stating "THIS" gear is perfect.

Well, it's not so much just changing equipment (I have those friends too), but once you've had the dream setup for a while the one that's twice as expensive looks like the new dream.
Astrobird 10.16
Oops! Do you all really have such problems with your wives when it comes to astrophotography equipment?

Well, my wife is totally into the hobby. We also discuss every investment together, and sometimes I have to stop her when a camera or telescope is insanely great, but nonsensical for our local seeing.

Well, my wife also studied physics and likes smoky Islay whisky, but is not into fashionable clothes and a new sofa every year. In this respect, she is not typical in many respects.
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