Sombrero Galaxy Constructive Critique Requested · Christopher Stobie · ... · 7 · 61 · 0

stobiewankenobi 1.51
Would love feedback on this image!
astrograndpa 13.31
·  1 like
First, this is a fine image.  Very enjoyable.  Definitely great data from DeepSkyWest.  7% - almost no tilt; good round stars.  Bortle 2!  in my dreams.  I wish you would add your processing description.  Processing is subjective and personal - my thoughts:  I might reduce the star size a bit, maybe use Adam Block's de-emphasis method) and also tame the star color down.  I think the contrast in the dust band is too high; you might be able to pull more details if you back the contrast back a bit.  For me, the background is just a bit too black.  Again these are my amateur personal preferences and observations.   -john
stobiewankenobi 1.51
·  1 like
John Favalessa:
First, this is a fine image.  Very enjoyable.  Definitely great data from DeepSkyWest.  7% - almost no tilt; good round stars.  Bortle 2!  in my dreams.  I wish you would add your processing description.  Processing is subjective and personal - my thoughts:  I might reduce the star size a bit, maybe use Adam Block's de-emphasis method) and also tame the star color down.  I think the contrast in the dust band is too high; you might be able to pull more details if you back the contrast back a bit.  For me, the background is just a bit too black.  Again these are my amateur personal preferences and observations.   -john

Ah great point, I will post some processing steps in my post. 

Yeah totally agreed actually regarding the black contrast. I was having issues getting a flat field, and ended up using the PS plugin AstroFlatPro and probably went too hard on the dark points. 

Regarding star size, this is about as aggressive as I could seem to push them without getting artifacts . I am using the Adam block method, and was seeing some very weird artifacts if I pushed it more than I already had. I agree though that the stars could be smaller, and would be more aesthetic if they were.
Gmadkat 4.44
·  1 like
Beautiful image, love the colors and the galaxy! One suggestion is to soften stars and agreed on the background being a bit dark.
stobiewankenobi 1.51
·  1 like
Beautiful image, love the colors and the galaxy! One suggestion is to soften stars and agreed on the background being a bit dark.

Yeah def agree on background . I will post a revision with some improvement there. By soften stars do you mean shrinking them?
Gmadkat 4.44
No, not shrinking, I was seeing the stars closer to the galaxy had softer glowing edges but further away they had sharper edges, I sometimes use convolution in my stars on a separate star layer to fix this, and blend back.
stobiewankenobi 1.51
No, not shrinking, I was seeing the stars closer to the galaxy had softer glowing edges but further away they had sharper edges, I sometimes use convolution in my stars on a separate star layer to fix this, and blend back.

Oh I see. Any guidance on what decon steps you take to do this? I can give it a whirl!
Gmadkat 4.44
·  1 like
I use both Pixinsight and Photoshop, within Pixinsight I  separate the stars using either StarXTerminator or StarNet2, and on the star later, I run convolution and adjust the settings for StdDev until I am happy with the result. I usually take a small preview so I can see in detail what is happening. Then I use Pixelmath to recombine the starless and the stars. The GAME mask is a good way to protect the stars around the galaxy if you want to control the areas you do this in. 

In Photoshop, I can actually control it a lot better. I take the starless which I save as a 16 bit tiff from Pixinsight above, and in Photoshop, duplicate layer and use Camera Raw Dehaze and Texture to adjust until I like the result. You can in Photoshop also use masks to do only some stars or regions in the image and blend back. I then save and either blend the star and starless in Photoshop, or save as tiff, and blend it back in Pixinsight using Pixelmath, as above.
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