ZWO EAF on Skywatcher Evolux 62ED Generic equipment discussions · Eric Gagne · ... · 5 · 176 · 3

EricGagne 2.15
I am getting this scope Monday and what I found about adding the EAF is not clear.  Some say it’s not a good fit and others say they had no issues but there isn’t many clear photos.

Would anyone having this combination be kind enough to share their experience ?
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pahanen 0.00
I tried to do this but had all sorts of trouble. First I had to modify a coupler to get it to fit in the housing on the scope. After that it took all kinds of tinkering to balance the whole thing (EAF, ASIAir, guidescope+cam) on a SW SA Gti. After all that trouble I didn't get it to work properly, the focuser just somehow got too stiff and the EAF wasn't able to move it. It was over -23 C outside so maybe that had something to do with it. I didn't feel like wasting more time on it when I had the clear skies, so I just took it off and focused with a bahtinov mask. After that initial focusing the scope held focus like a champ the whole week I imaged (didn't take the rig inside during daytime) so at least in my case the EAF isn't really needed. I did all rest of the sessions during that winter without EAF on this rig as well. Once the scope is acclimated, I focus once and that's it. 

The focuser mechanics on this scope aren't that great so I don't think it's worth the hassle, at least for me. Even if I could get it to function, the focuser may not be precise enough to give repeatable results with the EAF.
EricGagne 2.15
Interesting.   Thanks for the info.
EricGagne 2.15
I received the scope today.  I got the EAF for my Samyang 135 because I found it hard to focus but the microfocuser on the 62ED is quite smooth, I think I will try it for a while before adding the EAF.

I am happy with my purchase but there's 2 things I really dislike with it.    First, the cap doesn't stay in place, it had already fell 4 times in the first 10 minutes I had the scope.   The second thing is this focuser locking scres shown by the arrow in my 2nd image.  The dovetail bar cannot be moved backward without running into it which I why I had to add a 2nd dovetail bar.   That makes it easy to balance but the lock screw is a little hard to reach now.   I wouldn't have been a deal breaker if I had known but it's a little annoying.

I am happy nonetheless to have my first real telescope althoug it's a small and cheap one.20240415_173301.png20240415_173301 - Copie.png
pahanen 0.00
If you’d install the EAF you would need to take off that screw anyway so I would just remove it. At least in my configuration the other screw seems to lock it down just fine. I guess it depends how heavy the camera and the whole back end is. You can also rotate, or flip the whole focuser upside down if you for some reason would need to.

Sorry to hear about the cap. Mine is a very tight fit. Does it have a felt lining inside? You could maybe try to put some more of that stuff there to make it tighter, or even just tape. Not very consistent quality control it seems.

I also bought the EAF for Samyang 135mm and it works great with that. I’ve been quite happy with the 62ED this far. There are some aberrations even with the flattener, but BlurX takes care of them.

PhotonPhanatic 4.53
I had the 62ED for a while and also had to remove the bottom screw in order to install a Pegasus FocusCube2 (which otherwise installed pretty easily, except that I needed to find a longer screw at the hardware store to fasten the bottom plate, IIRC). The focuser seemed to function okay without it.
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