Probably taboo, but how much has your hobby cost so far? Generic equipment discussions · Andy Wray · ... · 159 · 9997 · 10

rockstarbill 11.02
·  1 like
A lot. 

With all the great responses, I would offer an additional question. How much have you saved from buying gear over the years vs what gear costs now in the post-pandemic states of economies?

For example, I bought my Mach 2 for $8,900 in the first run, which isn't that long ago in Astro terms and it's $11,190 now. Similarly, my CDK14 was $12.5k when I bought it in 2021, and it's now $16k!


Apollyon 0.90
Starting from January 2021 I've spent about 20.945,00 € total.

When I subtract the equipment that I don't use anymore I come to about 13.231,00 €, which is basically everything in the image below.
And a sizeable chunk of that number are just my Chroma LRGB & SHO filters.

In the last 15 months I've only spent money on one more piece of equipment, which was just an additional collimator.
I'm very satisfied with the performance of my rig nowadays, and I currently don't have any plans to buy new equipment. 
mdgtron 1.81
So far about 10K for the rig and another 1.6K for a computer with enough horse power to run PixInsight reasonably.  Given I've posted 116 images to date, that's $100.00 an image. 
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Bill Long - Dark Matters Astrophotography:
what gear costs now in the post-pandemic states of economies

Very good point, actually, today the mount I have is not affordable for me anymore, not without a long term savings. The price went up 75%, and no kidding. The prices went up too much, even that a large proliferation of alternatives came into the competition, a number of them look like very similar under different brands...but the prices did not came down...
astro_photog 0.00
Astro photography has been my passion since childhood. Coming from a modest background, I had to save for a long time to purchase my first equipment. While saving up, I took advantage of borrowing equipment from local photography clubs. To save money, I bought used gear and hunted for the best discounts. I also realized that starting with a basic configuration and gradually upgrading it over time was a viable approach. Additionally, selling my equipment to invest in something more professional was part of my strategy. I got so into analyzing that it became my main source of income. Now I don't count money as carefully as I used to.
In general, my equipment costs around 30k now.
I made informed decisions about how much to spend on my astrophotography hobby, even when funds were tight.
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elbasso 1.20
The correct formula for the amount of gear you need is:
((what you own) + 1)
jrista 8.93
I am in pretty deep. I started out largely lower cost (although I used an expensive Canon lens as a telescope), but just before the pandemic I put together a proper AP system with a Mach 1 GTO mount and a Tak FSQ106 EDX IV. All told, over all the time I've been in the hobby, I've probably put somewhere between $30k to $40k. I've recently learned just how much the little stuff adds up, having started a couple of businesses last year and just gone through all the tax season hassle this year... So, that number is probably much closer to $40k than I realize...I have lots of little things. Adapters, spacers, OAGs, FWs, filters, etc. etc. etc.

Its a lot of money, but, after my struggles early on, mainly with the mount, an Orion Atlas EQ-G, I do not regret spending the money. Its far from a particularly high end system, and the scope probably doesn't hold up to todays pixel-size standards, but it does plenty good enough for me, and with automation acquiring good data is a lot easier than it used to be. That was the key for was getting to the point where I could never sleep if I was imaging, as the lower end system had to be baby-sat all night long. With the higher end equipment, the hassles faded, automation worked, and I was able to set up and go the vast majority of the time. Of all things in this hobby, I think that's one of the most be able to quickly set up and go.
FabianButkovich 0.00
·  1 like
I first started off with the classis Skywatcher SA and a cheap <$100 achromatic 80mm f/5 scope, paired with a Panasonic mirrorless camera, probably all together around $1k USD.

Currently, I am using an iOptron CEM26 with a Sigma 150-600 Telephoto lens and ZWO ASI183. 

Accounting for all equipment and various accessories I've accumulated over the years I would say I'm in it around $5k USD

I'm hoping to some day invest in a proper scope (probably a SCT or something with FL >= 1000mm) which will be another $1k (once the Mrs. approves )

clear skies!

RafaDeOz 6.32
I think I've spend ~6k usd on astrogear
But that is just part of the story
Maybe some more elaborate questions might be more interesting such as:
What did you give up on to dedicate your time to astrophotography?
I drive an old car and I like cars. My astro gear costs more than my old car. 
Did you ever consider changing your lifestyle, your job, your profession? Or maybe you did it.
I still didn't move from a bortle 8 bc I have a place available on 2hrs drive from here. That belongs to my family but...
I bought a piece of land that cost me an arm and astro has a lot to do with it. With that money I could have done so much, but I didn't - I bought a piece of land to be able to have my own imaging site. That cost me 12k usd which is cheap for us standards but...the average salary in my country is 550usd a month. Then put 92% of import taxes on top of all that. 
You either go all in or give up that's the truth
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Abecedarian 0.00
Do I include moving to bortle 1 skies When I retired ?
astrograndpa 13.23
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sHuRuLuNi 1.81
·  1 like
100.000 EUR and rising ...
AccidentalAstronomers 11.51
The cheapest setup I've had set me back about $5k. That was seven rigs ago. I'm down to five scopes now--one at home, one for travel, and three remote. I thought I had a problem for a while. But I've got it under control. I can quit any time. I only occasionally check my guiding now when I'm out with the wife. 
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astrograndpa 13.23
·  1 like
You got me laughing Tim!  😂
Xeebok 4.77
I can't stop laughing at the comments, I'm laughing cause they are all true.  The truth is, once you get serious about something, you go all the way and as you're halfway into it, something new comes out, and the cycle begins, this holds true to any hobby / passion you've got. I think i have my spending under control now, ...I  Just need to upgrade my PC, get a tripier, an extra portable battery, a tiny roof observatory, an all sky camera, a c11, another mount, a full frame mono, and a filter set to match, then i'm done. ;)

AccidentalAstronomers 11.51
·  1 like
Ahmed Wegdan:
get a tripier

I don't think Woodland Hills sells that. But I know a guy...
Xeebok 4.77
·  1 like
Timothy Martin:
Ahmed Wegdan:
get a tripier

I don't think Woodland Hills sells that. But I know a guy...

Thanks Tim, will ask you, once I manage to sneak an approval by the wife
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ognvet 0.90
I started at the beginning of 2021 with a SW Star Adventured 2, to use it with my Nikon D7500 and the objectives I already owned. I thought this would be enough to satisfy my interest in astrophotography that I had since I was a kid. Shortly after I wanted a bit more, then I got a SW Evostar 72, a Canon EOS RA came little after. I though I would never use a monochrome camera. Then my girlfriend gave me an SW Evostar 80, thinking that Star Adventurer would hold it; which is not the case. I got the SW EQ6R-pro, that I coupled with a ZWO ASI2600mm, and ZWO filters, because the Canon EOS RA has no cooling, and I might get better images with a monochrome camera. Include now how to control everything, I go the ASIAir pro, I changed the tripod of the mount by a pillar as this made my life way easier to roll the rig from the living room to the balcony, and it was safer during meridian flip. This interest continued growing, I saved some money, and I got the Esprit 120Ed. After a bit, I got Astronomik filters to replace the ZWO... I got a "good" PC to run well Pixinsight, upgraded it with faster SSDs, max supported RAM, great screens... I thought I was set for a while, but I didn't know how wrong I was... The weather was so terrible from the fall of 2022 to the Spring of 2023 that the idea of going remotely was growing... Until one day I got frustrated at my balcony and I place an order for my dreamed mount, 10Micron GM2000 HPS II Combi, I reserved a place at a remote observatory hosting, and things went crazy with tones of new stuff to get (UPS, cloudwatcher, Esatto 3", Ecco 2, PrimaLuceLab eagle 5 pro, Arco 3", new rings for the Esprit, and so on ...). I though the expends would end there, but I found an offer for a ZWO ASI6200mm on internet, for a fella astrophotographer living close to me (brand new camera, never used, great price), I also got Astronomik filters from him, and a filter wheel, and a OAG, and an Octopi; which added some unexpected expenses to this "little" project of going remotely. When I just though I was set for good, I found a "one in life time" opportunity to get my dreamed telescope, an almost brand new PW CDK14", to add to it adapter for the Esatto 3, an automatized lid for flats and protect it from dust, and some other things... I hope this is the "final" rig. Just waiting to Spring to install the CDK14 that is in my living room for a few months now. This is a hobby that cost me a lot of money (I don't really know how much, and I gave up on doing the precise calculations), but the satisfaction it provides me worth any penny invested so far. 


lloydjax 0.00
Not sure about ever... but this month its been about 5k lol
astrograndpa 13.23
So after I promised my wife no more scopes unless I sell one first...I ordered an Askar FMA180Pro, backordered though.  when it finally comes I'll argue that it's more of a camera lens than a telescope 🤪.  wish me luck 😂  -john
Roy-Hagen 10.10
·  1 like
John Favalessa:
So after I promised my wife no more scopes unless I sell one first...I ordered an Askar FMA180Pro, backordered though.  when it finally comes I'll argue that it's more of a camera lens than a telescope 🤪.  wish me luck 😂  -john

Very bold move👍
Best of luck, John😉
You may need it😱
Xeebok 4.77
·  1 like
John Favalessa:
So after I promised my wife no more scopes unless I sell one first...I ordered an Askar FMA180Pro, backordered though.  when it finally comes I'll argue that it's more of a camera lens than a telescope 🤪.  wish me luck 😂  -john

Good luck John, though it is technically a lens, just try to remove the accessories attached before she sees it, and it will be a lens. Then add those later ;)
Gmadkat 4.44
Way over the cost of a new Tesla!
Between my backyard Observatory and several portable setup's I am close to or over six figures in USD. It is not an inexpensive hobby for sure!

In my case, I AM the wife and my better half and kids are incredibly supportive of my madness
astrograndpa 13.23
Thanks for clearing that up Gowri 😀.   and unlike a new Tesla purchased in the US there's no tax refund incentive with astro gear either 😂  and I'm sure your family enjoys and is proud of your amazing images 👍🏻
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Gmadkat 4.44
John Favalessa:
Thanks for clearing that up Gowri 😀.   and unlike a new Tesla purchased in the US there's no tax refund incentive with astro gear either 😂  and I'm sure your family enjoys and is proud of your amazing images 👍🏻

Aw thanks so much, John! They do love my hobby, very thankfully!! And agreed on tax incentives, but gear does hold up its cost! I can probably sell some of it for almost as much as I paid for it and for the rarer scopes made by AP or Tak, maybe more!
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