NINA crash Stefan Berg Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy (N.I.N.A. / NINA) · Adel Kildeev · ... · 71 · 1540 · 6

NorskeDude 1.81
·  1 like
I use Robocopy to transfer a copy of the images to an external drive during the sequence. This video will help you get up and running with it.

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andreatax 7.90
Linwood Ferguson:
And quality cables, not cheap crap from Amazon, and never, ever, ever use the flat cables ZWO ships with their cameras for USB3.

*They work pretty well, at least for a couple of years at a minimum. Mine has been sitting outside for 4 years and still going strong. Using USB2 port is preferable though, as USB3 is way more finicky and pointless too, So no dissing those cables...
Linwood 5.76
·  1 like
andrea tasselli:
Linwood Ferguson:
And quality cables, not cheap crap from Amazon, and never, ever, ever use the flat cables ZWO ships with their cameras for USB3.

*They work pretty well, at least for a couple of years at a minimum. Mine has been sitting outside for 4 years and still going strong. Using USB2 port is preferable though, as USB3 is way more finicky and pointless too, So no dissing those cables...

USB2 is very forgiving, and I personally did not see the flat USB3 fail, but so very many people have that it seemed prudent to replace it.  It's hard to have proper twists and shielding in a flat cable.

But I will stand by the statement the idea that probably the largest single hardware failure going (maybe the largest failure period) is communication issues from bad USB cables.  Maybe running a close second to configuration errors.

The problem is that they rarely have a hard, repeatable failure -- you'll use one for hours and then for a few milliseconds it fails. If the logical connection fails, there's nothing to restore it -- they are not a reliable (i.e. automatic retries) protocol. So one goes running out and tries everything again and it works and immediately thinks "software bug". 

Some of this is exacerbated by people using unpowered hubs, or $9 powered hubs from low-bid Amazon.  Some by people who want to sit inside nice and warm (or cool for me in Florida) and so run a long, long active cable.  And sure... they work, most of the time.  But "most" is not "all".  Or someone reads that the USB3 standard says 3m is OK (it doesn't actually) and so gets one that long that mostly works.  Same common on "mostly". 

This is a hobby where there are a hundred things every night that have to go exactly right to get decent images, and only one has to go wrong to screw it all up.  It's always a good idea if you have something that MIGHT be an issue to just kill it by over-fixing it, so one of the hundred will not come back to get you. After a hundred nights or so things go smoothly.  
Starminer68 2.41
Agreed -USB cable is s weak point. I had this problem with the previous ASI 1600- checked it first -and redolved the problem at once. But in this case it is unlikely, cable looks fine, I replaced to a spared one-no change.
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Deep_Space_Dave 3.01
Hi All,

I had something like this happen to me using the 3.x beta and I found NINA in the same state but somehow it was still taking pictures but I could not find them.  After I shut down everything and brought my mini-pc into the house and let it temp equalize.  I had found that my secondary SATA SSD (not the OS drive which  is NVMe) apparently did not like the cold that night (-15C) and shutdown.  Once the computer came up, the drive was mounted but I had nothing but zero byte files, so basically a whole night wasted.  NINA is very dependant on the functionality of hardware and any hiccup can cause it to crash, freeze, loose cameras, etc.  So check the conditions that night you had the issue and see if your hardware malfunctioned in any way due to temperature and/or humidity.  Since then I have switched to using only a much larger NVMe SSD and I haven't had that issue again but now I am having power fluctuations that cause my camera to malfunction when it gets cold.

If you have to put your computer in a tote and throw in some desiccant.  Also clean your USB connections with rubbing alcohol to remove any oxidation that will cause disconnections.

Clear Skies!
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Linwood 5.76
David Huff:
Also clean your USB connections with rubbing alcohol to remove any oxidation that will cause disconnections.

Back in my regular camera days someone turned me onto this product, and I have found it very useful.  There are two variants, one when your contacts are already clean and you want protection:

And one that includes a cleaner:

A drop on each side of the USB connectors for example and then plug and unplug a few times can help, though I remain convinced most problems are from poor quality cables.

12v cables also have quality issues.   Look inside the male barrel connector and see if there are cross-pressure springs inside.  This is not a great photo but notice the little cutouts on each side.  Connectors without springs rely on the machining of the opening to have enough friction to maintain contact. Ones with springs apply positive pressure.  With cold/heat/movement, ones with springs are more likely to maintain contact and not have intermittent disconnects.  I'm not saying no-spring ones cannot work, just that some connectors are better than others for this hobby.  (ANother issue is some 12v cables do not have adequate wire size and cause voltage drops). 

There are a lot of $20,000 rigs that intermittently fail because someone insisted on a $3 cable instead of a $15 cable.

Deep_Space_Dave 3.01
Linwood Ferguson:
David Huff:
Also clean your USB connections with rubbing alcohol to remove any oxidation that will cause disconnections.

Back in my regular camera days someone turned me onto this product, and I have found it very useful.  There are two variants, one when your contacts are already clean and you want protection:

And one that includes a cleaner:

A drop on each side of the USB connectors for example and then plug and unplug a few times can help, though I remain convinced most problems are from poor quality cables.

12v cables also have quality issues.   Look inside the male barrel connector and see if there are cross-pressure springs inside.  This is not a great photo but notice the little cutouts on each side.  Connectors without springs rely on the machining of the opening to have enough friction to maintain contact. Ones with springs apply positive pressure.  With cold/heat/movement, ones with springs are more likely to maintain contact and not have intermittent disconnects.  I'm not saying no-spring ones cannot work, just that some connectors are better than others for this hobby.  (ANother issue is some 12v cables do not have adequate wire size and cause voltage drops). 

There are a lot of $20,000 rigs that intermittently fail because someone insisted on a $3 cable instead of a $15 cable.


NICE!  I just ordered some!  People don't realize that even though most astro equipment is rugged enough to handle the elements outside, they still require maintenance and connections are often overlooked!

Starminer68 2.41
·  1 like
David Huff:
Hi All,

I had something like this happen to me using the 3.x beta and I found NINA in the same state but somehow it was still taking pictures but I could not find them.  After I shut down everything and brought my mini-pc into the house and let it temp equalize.  I had found that my secondary SATA SSD (not the OS drive which  is NVMe) apparently did not like the cold that night (-15C) and shutdown.  Once the computer came up, the drive was mounted but I had nothing but zero byte files, so basically a whole night wasted.  NINA is very dependant on the functionality of hardware and any hiccup can cause it to crash, freeze, loose cameras, etc.  So check the conditions that night you had the issue and see if your hardware malfunctioned in any way due to temperature and/or humidity.  Since then I have switched to using only a much larger NVMe SSD and I haven't had that issue again but now I am having power fluctuations that cause my camera to malfunction when it gets cold.

If you have to put your computer in a tote and throw in some desiccant.  Also clean your USB connections with rubbing alcohol to remove any oxidation that will cause disconnections.

Clear Skies!

*** Great thanks, Dave. NINA is not so reliable program, the previous night I was no able to make proper flats because NINA got mad, stop cooling, have to rurn it on manually, when the needed temperature war reached (-20c)- tirned heating up without my intervention etc. I still doubt that these free software is good to work on remote tekescopes, it is my view. And I assure-I saw two different version of NINA working at the sane time on the sane laptop. Some people beleive me, some-not, it is still personal
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Starminer68 2.41
·  1 like
The same glitch of NINA: in sequence during shooting flats the program did turn off cooling…and started warming… not possible to override this bug, even restarting does not help. Turned off warming at all -the only option. So the list of bugs and glitches shows unreabity and unstability even the latest version…. Whatever some people say -I made my choice, the program is no good for me, need to get another imaging program.
Linwood 5.76
Since these things only seem to happen to you, maybe consider Voyager, it's very full featured and does not suffer from the fatal flaw of being free.
Starminer68 2.41
·  1 like
Linwood Ferguson:
Since these things only seem to happen to you, maybe consider Voyager, it's very full featured and does not suffer from the fatal flaw of being free.

*** Thanks, I was thinking about Voyager, looks like a very advanced program, hope, it is really well-tested software. I do not like to be a laboratory rat to be tortured by amature programmers who do not care about their product, with declining weather every hour of lost session due faulty imaging program is priceless…
DarkSky7 3.81
Adel- It is too bad that you could not get NINA to work.  In NINA's defense (Not that it needs any) it is a very robust program that has been skillfully crafted by many software engineers who know their game-and ours.  I am only using the stable releases and not the nightlys and I have never had a single issue with the software.  I can blame myself and Microsoft for any other situation.

So, I hope Voyager works for you.  Please be careful on calling out folks who are really doing the community a big favor by helping us in this way and using their skills for our benefit.

Clear skies-
Starminer68 2.41
Thank, Tom, for your advise. As I told before, nobody is perfect, everybody can make mistakes and no software is perfect too, there are always bugs and glitches in any soft (any software engineer would agree with me). I just do not like stubborn people who claim to be an expert and close their eyes on the defects of the used software instead investigating the reasons of the failure. There is no Software God (NINA, Voyager etc). So no reason to place any soft to the piedestal…. It looks so childish and funny. If the real critical opinion is not acceptable -you have a totalitarian state like 1984. Hope it would never happen. Salvatore is our guarding angel, he will protect us 😂Clear skies to all!
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HegAstro 12.17
I would suggest some openness to the idea that, given NINA works great for so many people, the fault may not lie with NINA*.

Given the many, many different configurations we all use, and given how well NINA works for most people, I think that calling NINA's programmers "amature" is highly unreasonable. You have yourself admitted to being not very computer literate, so I do not see how you could be in a position to judge. By the way, no programmer will guarantee that their software  will work in every instance, and no programmer will try to investigate every single failure in the field.

Hopefully you have better luck with Voyager - including courteous and patient responses when you do have issues.

(* The fault dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves)
Starminer68 2.41
Guys, I never had so much fun for a long time, mocking you is priceless  My last advise-NEVER EVER argue with a lawyer-litigator, you will always miserably lose.
Linwood 5.76
Adel Kildeev:
Guys, I never had so much fun for a long time, mocking you is priceless  My last advise-NEVER EVER argue with a lawyer-litigator, you will always miserably lose.

I suspect it is you who will lose, as most of those here who legitimately tried to help, when all you wanted to do was bad mouth people you did not know, and a product you clearly did not understand, will not come to your aid sometime in the future when you may need it more.

May I respectfully suggest your charade here has run its course and you move on somewhere.. anywhere... else?
HegAstro 12.17
·  1 like
Adel Kildeev:
Guys, I never had so much fun for a long time, mocking you is priceless  My last advise-NEVER EVER argue with a lawyer-litigator, you will always miserably lose.

As you yourself said ..clear sky time is precious. So may be your valuable time is better spent learning Voyager to make use of the next opportunity of clear sky time. You've made your opinion on NINA abundantly clear. Continuing to spend more time on it, seems to me, simply takes away from time you could be using to buy, learn, and use another program.
JeffMorgan 0.90
Linwood Ferguson:
David Huff:
Also clean your USB connections with rubbing alcohol to remove any oxidation that will cause disconnections.

Back in my regular camera days someone turned me onto this product, and I have found it very useful.  There are two variants, one when your contacts are already clean and you want protection:

And one that includes a cleaner:

A drop on each side of the USB connectors for example and then plug and unplug a few times can help, though I remain convinced most problems are from poor quality cables.

12v cables also have quality issues.   Look inside the male barrel connector and see if there are cross-pressure springs inside.  This is not a great photo but notice the little cutouts on each side.  Connectors without springs rely on the machining of the opening to have enough friction to maintain contact. Ones with springs apply positive pressure.  With cold/heat/movement, ones with springs are more likely to maintain contact and not have intermittent disconnects.  I'm not saying no-spring ones cannot work, just that some connectors are better than others for this hobby.  (ANother issue is some 12v cables do not have adequate wire size and cause voltage drops). 

There are a lot of $20,000 rigs that intermittently fail because someone insisted on a $3 cable instead of a $15 cable.


Great posts in this thread Linwood, thank you!

I am still largely using crap ZWO cables, probably time to break down and get the good ones. And ones of more appropriate length. 

Any brands and vendors you recommend?
Linwood 5.76
Gary Seven:
Any brands and vendors you recommend?

I've had good luck with L-com who has a fairly good selection, especially so you can get right angles (etc) that often help clear clutter or cut down on overall length (e.g. my guide camera hits the tripod if it has a regular connector, it needs a right angle).  I've heard people like usbfirewire if they want them made custom, but those are really pricy (but you can get exactly the length you need).
Frank777 7.63
Adel Kildeev:
I do not like to be a laboratory rat to be tortured by amature programmers who do not care about their product

That's a really unfair comment, regardless of how well the software does or does not work for you. I'm neither a programmer nor a lawyer, but I suspect that the programmers who probable spend hundreds of hours writing code *for free* do, in fact, care about their product, otherwise why would they do it? I switched to NINA only a couple of months ago after using the ASIAir for a few years, and except for a few carbon-based errors on my part it has worked very well. My first, second and third reactions were not to blame the program or the programmers.

If you don't like NINA, move on.
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Dear AstroBin Community,

I am Salvatore, the founder and owner of AstroBin.

It has come to my attention that some recent contributions within this forum have strayed from our esteemed community guidelines. In the interest of upholding the respectful and constructive atmosphere that defines AstroBin, I would like to respectfully remind all members to:
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Your cooperation and understanding in these matters are greatly appreciated.

Warm regards,
Starminer68 2.41
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