A tool for copying image metadata on macOS Other · Jean-David Gadina · ... · 1 · 86 · 1

macmade 0.90
Hey folks,

When processing/stacking images with tools like PIPP, AutoStakkert, or RegiStax, I often lose all original metadata in the final images.
So, I made a tiny app for macOS that allows you to copy specific metadata from one source image to multiple others.

You can do that with some command line tool or other software, but I wanted something quick and straightforward.
It’s available on my GitHub if anyone’s interested in such a tool:

Version 1.0.0: https://github.com/macmade/MetaCopy/releases/tag/1.0.0

I’m open to any feedback. : )
Clear skies!
Ushavilash 0.00
·  1 like
Thanks for sharing. MetaCopy seems like a handy tool for preserving metadata across multiple images on macOS. I'll definitely check it out. Great job on creating it.
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