What the next AI version will be able to do? Russell Croman Astrophotography BlurXTerminator · Matteo Beretta · ... · 10 · 744 · 1

Teo_ 0.00
Hey, @Russell Croman BlurXTerminator AI version 5 will fix flares like this or I have to work my optical train? 
dmsummers 6.80
I think you jest, but I do think there's a place for BXT AI to possibly remove/reduce star diffraction spikes.   Not sure if that would include removing those spikes that people intentionally add because they think stars look better with them!    I spend lots of time trying to make sure I'm doing everything possible to avoid them, and then see others doing extra effort to make sure they add them!  Ugh!    ;-)
SparkyHT 3.01
Now if AI could bust through clouds....THAT would truly be something!
HegAstro 12.24
I expect the next version to eliminate the need for coma correctors, field flatteners and tilt adjusters. The version after that will effectively be my butler and serve me breakfast in the morning.
rockstarbill 11.02
Halo removal would be good.
kurtB 0.00
Indeed, I agree that Halo removal would be a great feature.
BPS 0.00
I started astrophotography about 4 years ago and since that time my how things have changed. Photography gear has certainly notched up a bit, but processing software and its techniques have made leaps and bounds so fast it's hard to keep up. Even I can use PixinSite and 2 years ago I would have never thought that possible. Russel has produced outstanding processing suites that I use extensively, and he continues to make performance updates to his products making them really shine.
I am however starting to question the role of AI in regards and the impact that it brings to the EAA community as well as our daily lives in general. I retired from the corporate world, so, I understand the economics and the simple fact that if you stay the same, you lose. If Russel and others don't continue their journey to improve their products (AI) someone else will.
So, I am guilty as charged, I purchased a computer when you had to load the operating system with floppy disks, I bought a cell phone when it was analog and the size of a small suitcase, my wife goes shopping and she can see the contents of her refrigerator in the store. I want to see a self-driving car for when the time comes that I cant drive safely. I'm ok with a (something) to help us get around when we cant anymore and the fact that I don't have to type anymore WOW!
The market will dictate the direction and speed of new developing technologies in astrophotography, but I can certainly expect we will see a day when the cell phone will be able take a deep space photo and a bit of software will produce stunning photos.  Until that time, I'm enjoying this wonderful hobby to its fullest.
SemiPro 7.67
Arun H:
I expect the next version to eliminate the need for coma correctors, field flatteners and tilt adjusters. The version after that will effectively be my butler and serve me breakfast in the morning.

"Oh BlurX, after you've corrected the tilt in my image, don't forget to start preparing the buffet for tonight's social."
Eyes_beyond_the_Sky 1.20
Sure we can ask for AI tools to fix everything but the day will come (better "Night") we will be sitting at the table, fingers tight onto our skull, (assuming we still have) grabbing and pulling hard at our hair... Nostalgia anxiety just overcame us, remembering times our AP software was giving error messages, gear connection losses, malfunctioning hardware without any clues why, lost guiding stars, software update during the imaging session, failed meridian flips, no stars in the FOV at all (wait, did I take the lens cap off) pulled cables or not reconnected after gear switch, at the dark side without counterweights, all the errors deriving from in between chair and gear...
I hope this hobby continues to be intellectual challenging and demanding and not purely controlled by artificial intelligence. I am not saying that I don't like Russell's tools but certain optical problems require mechanical tweaks...
messierman3000 4.20
Georg G Albrecht:
no stars in the FOV at all (wait, did I take the lens cap off)

Glad to know you are joking about that; that means other people have also have forgotten take off their dust caps, not only me 

"the gain is at the max, why no stars?"

Edited ...
rockstarbill 11.02
Georg G Albrecht:
Sure we can ask for AI tools to fix everything but the day will come (better "Night") we will be sitting at the table, fingers tight onto our skull, (assuming we still have) grabbing and pulling hard at our hair... Nostalgia anxiety just overcame us, remembering times our AP software was giving error messages, gear connection losses, malfunctioning hardware without any clues why, lost guiding stars, software update during the imaging session, failed meridian flips, no stars in the FOV at all (wait, did I take the lens cap off) pulled cables or not reconnected after gear switch, at the dark side without counterweights, all the errors deriving from in between chair and gear...
I hope this hobby continues to be intellectual challenging and demanding and not purely controlled by artificial intelligence. I am not saying that I don't like Russell's tools but certain optical problems require mechanical tweaks...

I completely agree, but will say that some people are either disabled or otherwise challenged from being able to correct their systems perfectly. Thus solutions like those created by Russ can greatly improve the Astro experience for those folks. So, given that it can produce that good in the world and at no detriment to others, I think the AI tools should be welcomed.
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