Solar filters for Zenithstar 61ii William Optics ZenithStar 61ii / ZS61ii · Kevin McAskin · ... · 1 · 85 · 1

Kmack 0.00
Hi all. I’m looking to buy a solar filter for the April 8th eclipse in the US so I can capture it with my Z61ii and a dslr, but I’m not sure what kind of filter would be best or what size of filter to get. Does anyone have any experiences or insight? I’m looking to stay in a budget of around 150 or less, the cheaper the better while still having a decent quality.
Baro2n 0.00
If you're looking for a white light filter to fit on the front of your scope, I have this and it fits and works perfectly on my Z61ii.
From my store in Canada.

Baader ASSF 65

A lot of places may be back ordered by now though.

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