Scope now slewing sometimes when starting an imagine session Stefan Berg Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy (N.I.N.A. / NINA) · Glenn Block · ... · 33 · 596 · 0

Austronomer76 5.77

Stellarium and Synscan (EQMOD) cannot control your mount at the same time.
This is why your mount is not reacting to any slew commands in NINA - I had the same problem.

As soon as you'll connect Stellarium with the remote plugin it blocks any commands to your mount from any other applications  (like Synscan or EQMOD).
So I recommend to not connect Stellarium.

For framing the target I recommend using the framing assistant in NINA.
Frame your target before you get out in the field and save your target/session as XML-file in NINA.

Best regards!
Gblock 0.00
Christian Koll:

Stellarium and Synscan (EQMOD) cannot control your mount at the same time.
This is why your mount is not reacting to any slew commands in NINA - I had the same problem.

As soon as you'll connect Stellarium with the remote plugin it blocks any commands to your mount from any other applications  (like Synscan or EQMOD).
So I recommend to not connect Stellarium.

For framing the target I recommend using the framing assistant in NINA.
Frame your target before you get out in the field and save your target/session as XML-file in NINA.

Best regards!

Stellarium does not slew my mount. I only use the remote plugin for sending the coordinates of the target. I then use NINA for framing and for sequencing.
Clearskys 3.61
·  1 like
Hi Glenn! I agree with Christian Koll!
I think the problem is Stellarium conflicting with your mount,  they both want to use same drivers so one of them kicks out the other (generally the one you use first).

If you stil want to use Stellarium as you do today, you need to install Ascom platform and in Stellarium instead of choosing your mount’s drivers, you choose “Device Hub”. This will allow both softwares to use same drivers without conflict. 
I also recommend you to use EQMOD instead of SynScan!
By the way, instead of Stellarium you could try the Framing Assistant in NINA to find an object and send the coordinates to the mount.
I hope you’ll solve the problem soon! God luck!
/ Francesco
The link to “DeviceHub”:
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Gblock 0.00
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I am not using Stellarium for controlling my mount. I am only using it to send coordinates to Nina for framing and sequencing. Stellarium is not connecting to my mount. The remote plugin is enabling Nina to read the coordinates of the target from Stellarium.
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Austronomer76 5.77

even if you don't actually use Stellarium to slew your mount, the remote plugin still blocks any slew commands from other applications.

I also use Stellarium to initially frame my target, but I am doing this on a different PC and I put in the coordinates manually into NINA.
This extra step might be an inconvenience for you, but it is definitely better than getting stuck out in the field.

All the best!
JBNZ 1.81
·  1 like
I run Stellarium, GSS and NINA all at the same time on the same PC - in fact I am doing it right now.

Exactly as Glenn does, I do not use Stellarium to control my mount. I only use it to send coords to NINA. I then Slew and Center within NINA via GSS to move my mount. 

I have never had a problem with Stellarium affecting any slew commands from NINA to my mount via GSS.
Gblock 0.00
·  1 like
@Christian Koll  appreciate the advice. It works most of the time but I have had some issues as I mentioned. I am going to explore some different options.
Gblock 0.00
@Christian Koll i guess one option I can try is  turning off the plugin once the coordinates have been sent. I wlll have to try that. You tell NINA to pull them first and then they are either used for framing or stored in the sequence. I will let you know if that actually fixes it. It is weird though that it does work a good portion of the time. This is something I have not tried though. It is just one button press in Stellarium to turn on/off remote control.
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Gblock 0.00
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Thanks @JBNZ for validating what I am saying :-)
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