Best wide-field refractor to pair with the 2600MC Pro? ZWO ASI2600MC Pro · Photon_Collector · ... · 15 · 720 · 0

Photon_Collector 1.43
I am looking to see what you guys think is the best 'widefield' refractor (300-500 mm focal length) is to pair with the ZWO ASI2600MC pro to get the best pixel scale and results. 

BobGillette 6.26
If you don’t mind the price, a Tak FSQ-85 is a superb wide-field scope with a 450mm FL. I love mine.

CS, Bob
TareqPhoto 2.94
I don't have 2600 particularly but i have another brand camera with same sensor of IMX571, and i use this camera paired with my new scopes of 90mm f/6 APO triplet + 0.8x reducer, wide enough for many targets, there is also Askar FRA400 which i have but i use it with a smaller sensor, both of those scopes are nice scaling or sampling with 2600 and alike.
bdm201170 2.11

the zwo  2600mc is a APSC  format . im my case i used it a lot with WO redcat51(250mm), tak q baby fsq-85(455mm), with the WO FLT120 and GT81 450mm
Roy-Hagen 10.10
I use the ASI 2600MC with my ASKAR FRA 400 with the 0.7 focal reducer and with the William Optics FLT 132 with a 0.8 focal reducer.
Both setups works just fine, but if you buy a telescope from any of the leading manufacturers  you will get a good scope well suited for the camera.
Krizan 5.96
·  1 like
Since you gave no price limits, my suggestion for the BEST refractor for APS-C size chip would be the Takahashi FSQ106X4 with the 0.72x reducer/flattener working at F3.6 I also would suggest the Takahasie FSQ106ED with the the new QB-.0.73x reducer/flattener working at F3.9. I have both, but just purchased a used version of the FSQ85ED and have not used it yet. I am confident it will perform well.   

Be aware that all is not equal when various manufactures claim 44 mm imaging circle.  

 If your budget is limited, the I have seen good results with the Askar FRA300, 400 & 500. I have also read critical reviews of the reducer/ flattener for the 400.  Not sure, But that have been used with full frame,.

Lynn K.
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Marcolone 0.00
Each setup always refers to the seeing of the place from where the images are acquired.  Considering a seeing between 2 and 4 FWHM the ASI 2600 mm or mc, the minimum focal length is around 400 mm.  and you are already close to sub-sampling.  Which telescope to buy depends entirely on your budget.
AstroCat 5.01
·  1 like
FSQ85 with 1.01 corrector is a beast. I love mine.

For shorter FL FRA300 is also performing great on my ASI2600MM.
apo20232 0.00

I just purchased the ASI2600MC-P a week ago and have used it on the Horsehead nebula with my WO SpaceCat51 widefield refractor (250mm). I haven't had a chance yet, but I also plan to use it with my WO Zenithstar 81 with a 0.8X reducer (450mm).

MalcolmPark 0.00
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HegAstro 12.24
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AstroPhysics Stowaway.
Gmadkat 4.44
I second Arun, AstroPhysics Stowaway hands down, I find is the best, if you can find one, they are hard to get hold of! I also use a Takahashi 76DS which works well. I also use a Redcat 51 for wide field, image circle for all work great for me and the back focus is also achievable with a ZWO filter holder.
jmenart 1.43
·  1 like
I second Arun, AstroPhysics Stowaway hands down, I find is the best, if you can find one, they are hard to get hold of! I also use a Takahashi 76DS which works well. I also use a Redcat 51 for wide field, image circle for all work great for me and the back focus is also achievable with a ZWO filter holder.


Want to jump in that I think right now AP Stowaways might actually be available!

AP didn't want to put me on their 'waiting list' but I got email from them 1st of February to consider contacting Company 7 (one of their dealers). Few days later Baader Planetarium from Germany put advertisement online they have Stowaway(s?) available!

(Un)fortunately I already ordered another  (dream) refractor so I didnt go for it and I am not sure about current state, but somebody else might find this info useful
Gmadkat 4.44
Thank you so much @Jure Menart! I am really thrilled to hear this news! I will pass it along too!!
astromanu 0.00
Although the combination of the mc2600mc pro and Askar FRA300 is theoretically close to the limit of undersampling (also depending on the seeing), I am very satisfied with it.“
neverfox 2.97
·  1 like
I think that, in general, there's a tendency to put way too much emphasis on good native sampling, forgetting that you have tools at your disposal like Drizzle and integer resampling, depending on which direction you want to move the data. With those tools, you can make just about any scope/camera combination you're likely to find quite workable. Native sampling should be low on the list of things to worry about when making choices of equipment, in my opinion. The possible exception to that is when we're talking low pixel scales, because then you're probably just spending money on resolution you can't really take advantage of. In that case, pay attention to your seeing and determine if it really makes sense to drop a load of bills on an expensive galaxy hunter.
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