New group for Yorkshire Astro Imagers Yorkshire Astro Imaging · urmymuse · ... · 26 · 179 · 4

urmymuse 1.81
Pam Whitfield:
Hello there from Silsden! I was a bit surprised to find this group when browsing around Astrobin...
With the weather lately this group could be renamed 'Masochists Anonymous'!  With all the water in the valley bottom at the moment maybe kayaking would be a better fit....?

I do my imaging with what many would regard as totally obsolete gear these days - a mono KAF8300-based QHY9 CCD but it still works and all the new processing tools keep the processed images still looking half decent versus the newer stuff..
I struggle with my spine so I just image from my backyard in narrowband or LRGB depending on the conditions and may yet switch to a smaller scope if my 102mm triplet gets too much to handle. I'm well set up for lazy imaging though - once set up I can image from inside with a glass of wine pure to reduce vibration of course

Best regards

Great that you have joined the group Pam. Welcome!

Best regards 

Simon (urmymuse)
urmymuse 1.81
James Clark:
Hi Pam, welcome aboard.  I’m with you on the lazy imaging….especially this past week with -6C but lovely clear sky for a few nights … best controlled by wifi sat in front of the log burner with a glass of wine and the cats snuggled up.
I’m still stacking the 132h of data I got last week (with 4 rigs…it’s not that clear in Harrogate) so that should keep me busy until we get another clear night.

132 hrs ! Wow! 

I had all sorts of problems with my rigs so didnt make the most but good to get something !
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