HI from New York Introduce yourself! · Creature_0f_the_Night · ... · 5 · 183 · 3

Creature_0f_the_Night 1.20
Live in Yonkers, NY but image in the Catskills, IT professional by day and astro photographer by night. 

My gear is a HEQ5 Pro mount and also an EQM 35

I have a William Optics Z61 and a William Optics Z81

I use a Canon R camera and a ZWO guide cam which i just cant remember the model right now...

I process all of my images in PixInsight

My Instagram handle is: creature_0f_the_night

nice meeting everyone here
AstroTrucker 6.22
·  1 like
Welcome to the community! I am a retired OTR driver and know your area of the country well! Beautiful country with lots of nature to get lost in during the day! I text often with a member out on Long Island. Have fun and look forward to seeing your posts.

Clear Skies, Tim (from Missouri)
bdm201170 2.11
welcome  to  the community 

live in Miami, FL  ( SQM 16.84)  not good 

 my gear is a 

Takahashi  FSQ-84 EDX BABY Q
William optics FLT120
William optics RedCat51
Celestron 9.25 EDGE-HD

mounts ZWO AM5 and  Skywatcher EQ6R-Pro

and i have  ZWO 6200 MM PRO and  LRGBSHO Chroma 3nmm 50mm filters

again welcome 

clear skies, brian
Creature_0f_the_Night 1.20
·  1 like
Tim Ray:
Welcome to the community! I am a retired OTR driver and know your area of the country well! Beautiful country with lots of nature to get lost in during the day! I text often with a member out on Long Island. Have fun and look forward to seeing your posts.

Clear Skies, Tim (from Missouri)

Thanks and very nice to meet you!
Creature_0f_the_Night 1.20
·  1 like
Brian Diaz:
welcome  to  the community 

live in Miami, FL  ( SQM 16.84)  not good 

 my gear is a 

Takahashi  FSQ-84 EDX BABY Q
William optics FLT120
William optics RedCat51
Celestron 9.25 EDGE-HD

mounts ZWO AM5 and  Skywatcher EQ6R-Pro

and i have  ZWO 6200 MM PRO and  LRGBSHO Chroma 3nmm 50mm filters

again welcome 

clear skies, brian

Thanks and very nice to meet you
richardbamfield 0.00
So, I finally got round to joining Astrobin.  I've been doing astrophotography since 2019. Got round to building a roll off roof in my garden last June, it was well worth the effort.  It has two piers with EQ6R-pro on each. At the moment running a SW200P Quattro Newtonian and a TS 80mm 550mm f/l refractor.  Have a few other scopes to choose from WO61, RC8, Samyang20240113_183316 (1).jpg20230812_071429.jpg 135mm.

I live down in New Zealand on the south island, and have nice bortle 3 skies.\20230815_161127.jpg
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