CG-4 Polar Alignment & Autoguiding Options Celestron Omni CG-4 · EvanSpiesTheHeavens · ... · 1 · 94 · 2

EvanSpiesTheHeavens 0.00
·  1 like

I am very new to the hobby and currently have a Celestron CG-4 mount. I have started to get curious about if there is any way to autoguide with this mount despite it being kinda low-end. I briefly did a little bit of googling and it seems like there are a few potential options out there for this; some seem more complicated than others. I have not looked into any of the options too deeply yet, but I was wondering if anyone out there happens to have experience with modding a CG-4 for autoguiding and if so, what is the easiest, most effective option? I know someone is going to be tempted to tell me to just get a better mount but right now that just really is not an option; I have to make due with what I got and I am just trying to see what potential paths I might be able to take.

Also, I am wondering if anyone has any experience with the CG-4's polar alignment scope and if it is really as difficult to work with as the reviews make it sound. Currently I just get a very rough polar alignment using the finder scope on my OTA, but obviously this method is very inaccurate and so I only get about 15-25 seconds of exposure time before the stars noticeably trail. If the alignment scope really is as much of a pain as people make it sound I don't know if I really want to spend money on it. That being said, is there any way to at least somewhat improve alignment using the finder scope? I know obviously Polaris is not supposed to be perfectly centered so is there a method or technique or whatever that I could use to get closer to where I should be pointing just by looking through the finder and the OTA? Obviously if I find out the alignment scope really isn't that bad I will just drop the money on it. Just looking for options.

Thank you for any assistance,

toygar_113 0.00
I built controller with Arduino mega which runs astroeq software. It connects to the computer with with USB cable and works with eqmod driver. You can also platesolve.

If you don't want to built everything yourself I've seen some onstep upgrade kits on AliExpress.

As for polar alignment, I tried NINA three star polar alignment but huge backlash in dec don't allow very accurate results so I'm using PHD2 drift alignment now.

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