How to best combine RGB and SHO data on California Nebula [Deep Sky] Processing techniques · Arny · ... · 12 · 943 · 0

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How to best combine RGB channel with SHO channel subframes
A. Merge RGB and SHO images
B. Combine channel pairs RS, GH, BS, then merge
C. Integrate RGB and use as L for SHO
D. Forget RGB and discard
afjk 3.58
By stupid mistake I took 3 hours of RGB instead of SHO data of the California nebula. After noticing the mistake I gathered another 5 hours of SHO data. 

Due to bortle 4 skies the RGB channels have a poor SNR, also the O channel is very faint. 

Rather than just to discard the RGB data, how can I best integrate it into the SHO data?

a. Process RGB and SHO and merge
b. Merge each color channel (R+S, G+H, B+O) and then combine into image
c. Use combined RGB as Luminance and combine with SHO into LSHO

Any recommendation or best practices?

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rroesch 1.20
·  1 like
You  find PS works better for me to do that. You can try to process both SHO and RGB separated and then add the RGB as a color layer on top of SHO. Another option is to remove the stars of the  SHO and use it as luminance  and then process the imagen like a regular LRGB
tboyd1802 3.34
While 3 hours is overkill, you could use RGB for the star field and SHO for the nebula itself.
richard_ 1.20
Tom Boyd:
While 3 hours is overkill, you could use RGB for the star field and SHO for the nebula itself.

This right here.

I recently did this for the first time on my Soul Nebula image. 1hr of combined RGB, extract the starfield and insert into my 11hrs of SHO data. ​​​​​I think the results came out quite nice, going forward I'll be doing this for my NB images. 

Here's my picture of SHO Soul Nebula with RGB stars:
juancc 1.20
Hello, I understand that since I am starting with a bortle 4, is it better to take RGB than SHO, for example with the 2600MM? I have had that doubt for a long time
HBNorm 1.43
Are you looking for natural colors or NB?  The Narrow Band Color Mapper script in Pixinsight is a great tool to map color channels, normalize backgrounds, etc. If you use Pixinisight, here's more info from Adam block on YouTube:
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juancc 1.20
I'm not looking for that exactly, I'm looking to learn how to take my lghts on a b4 since they say that it is better to do RGBH than for example HSO, that is my doubt
afjk 3.58
·  1 like
Norman Tajudin:
Are you looking for natural colors or NB?  The Narrow Band Color Mapper script in Pixinsight is a great tool to map color channels, normalize backgrounds, etc. If you use Pixinisight, here's more info from Adam block on YouTube:

Actually I would like to see natural colors but took narrowband. 

Thanks for the hint, I will try this out!

HBNorm 1.43
·  1 like
Norman Tajudin:
Are you looking for natural colors or NB?  The Narrow Band Color Mapper script in Pixinsight is a great tool to map color channels, normalize backgrounds, etc. If you use Pixinisight, here's more info from Adam block on YouTube:

Actually I would like to see natural colors but took narrowband. 

Thanks for the hint, I will try this out!


Definitely give it a spin.  Adam mentions a natural color adaptation of the Narrow Band data in his video.  I've used it to combine RGB+HA. RGB+SHO, Narrow Band as RGB, etc.  Love it.  Makes it so easy to iterate and experiment!
HMRphoto 1.43
I have had success using the NBRBG script in PI.

I used the script to add NB detail to my RBG image.

I also see tha Adam Block has a new PI script

As other have said, this is described as a way to potentially blend RGB and SHO images.
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juancc 1.20
Howard Richard:
I have had success using the NBRBG script in PI.

I used the script to add NB detail to my RBG image.

I also see tha Adam Block has a new PI script

As other have said, this is described as a way to potentially blend RGB and SHO images.

Howard Richard:
I have had success using the NBRBG script in PI.

I used the script to add NB detail to my RBG image.

I also see tha Adam Block has a new PI script

As other have said, this is described as a way to potentially blend RGB and SHO images.

what is the script?
HMRphoto 1.43
·  1 like
In PixInsight > Scripts > Utilities > NBRGBCombination
Astrokles 3.21
·  1 like
There is also a script “Combine RGB and Narrowband” in the PI Toolbox
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