Hello! Women Astrophotographers · Linda · ... · 59 · 795 · 8

ac4lt 1.81
Welcome, andromeda65! It’s great to see how many women there are out there! Looking forward to seeing your work!
KathyNS 5.12
·  1 like
Hi, Ladies.  I guess I should introduce myself.

I live in Nova Scotia, Canada, on the shore of the Bay of Fundy, which has the highest tides in the world.  A typical monthly spring tide has a range of about 13.5 metres at the local harbour.  A few kilometres up the coast, the tidal range is over 15 metres.

My skies are typically about Bortle 3, though on exceptionally transparent nights, it can approach Bortle 2.

I have been interested in astronomy all my life, dating back to before I can remember.  I have heard audio recordings of myself as a toddler talking about the stars and planets.  I got my first telescope at age seven, but it was a piece of crap.  I decided to get serious about astronomy, and particularly astrophotography, in 2010.  I built my own observatory in 2013.  When we relocated to a new area in 2015, I had the observatory picked up, loaded onto a flatbed trailer, and hauled to the new site.

My favourite targets are deep sky objects.  My rig of choice is an Orion 200mm Newtonian on a pier-mounted iOptron CEM60.

I am not one to brag, but in this case, I will anyway.  Last year, a photo of mine won a national competition.  The plaque arrived in the mail yesterday:
RASC Plaque by Kathy Walker, on Flickr
ac4lt 1.81
·  1 like
Kathy, congratulations! That is wonderful!

I had the pleasure of visiting the Bay of Fundy way back in high school. Watching the tide come in at Hopewell Rocks was amazing!
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Snjór 11.96
·  1 like
Cool gear! Also hello to new members and congratulations to Kathy on winning award, well deserved!

I have gear personally as so:

which is Canon 450d ,Ioptron Skyguider Pro and Neewer intervalometer and 50mm lens. Pretty simple but works well for me and very portable.
I hope before autumn to get Rokinon 135mm lens.

Best wishes,
MrsGnomus 0.00
·  1 like
Congratulations to Kathy from me as well.

We got our first telescope when our children were very young. It fell out of use for a few years as we both got busier with work along with the logistics of having two sons who were choristers at our local cathedral. Around the time the boys “retired” from the choir we bought a new telescope and mount. For a year or so we were setting up and tearing down each time we wanted to use the telescope. That quickly became an exercise in frustration. I lost count of the times we set everything up and then the clouds rolled in.  As we got increasingly into astrophotography it became clear that we needed a more permanent setup so we embarked on getting our first observatory built.

I haven’t any photos of the current set up at home - we are in the process of a radical rethink of what we put on which mount. We now have two permanent piers in our garden, one in a roll off roof observatory (that one is fully automated and operates in exactly the same way as the remote rigs that Steve has in Spain) and the other smaller mount is in a roll off shed. That one was supposed to be a visual rig but very quickly became another imaging rig. We also have a 14 1/2” Dobsonian which lives in another roll off shed.
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carastro 8.21
·  1 like
Congratulations Cathy, I have been following you on and off for a few years, also on Astronomy forum.  I never heard about such high tides before, amazing.  Also amazing is the transportation of your observatory, and how lucky you are with your lovely dark skies.  I don't think I have ever experienced anything better than Bortle 4 and that's at my Travelling Site, my home location is total rubbish at Bortle 8.

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olga_ismael 1.51
·  1 like
Hey! i've joined this group just now... i didn't knew we were so many!
well, first thing, my name is Olga. I'm 14 years old and i'm from brazil...
i live in the countryside, a bortle 4. my dad is a farmer so we live with it... i just started high school this year!

the kind of astrophotography i do is called "untracked". i don't have money for buying fancy gear, so the only think i use is a chinese aluminium tripod, a canon t6 and some bad quality lenses, like the 75-300mm, the kit lenses and the youngnuo 50mm f/1.8. i'm doing astro since july 2018, as a way to escape some troubles i had with a bad boyfriend and... i couldn't give up until now! XD

i'm so happy about it, cause i always felt very alone in the middle of 40 years old male engineers.
if anyone wants to talk with me, my instagram is @olgawismael. i'll enjoy to talk with you girls!!  <3
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KathyNS 5.12
Hi, Olga.  Welcome to the group.

When I was learning (terrestrial) photography, someone told me that you don't need fancy equipment to take good photographs.  What makes a photo good is the skill of the photographer, not the equipment.  I have seen a lot of amazing astrophotographs taken with a simple camera on a non-tracking mount.

I am looking forward to seeing your photos.  [EDIT:]  I just took a look at your photos.  They are really good!

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ac4lt 1.81
Welcome, Olga!
Snjór 11.96
Hi Olga,

Welcome, I have seen your understudy very nice indeed! Echo what Kathy says about skill plus willingness to give it a go!

Best wishes,
debraceravolo 0.00
·  1 like
I just noticed this group and joined. I live on Anarchist Mountain in BC Canada at 1100 meters and pretty dark skies.  I am lucky because my husband Peter is a telescope designer and maker. All the images I have done so far were acquired by Peter and processed by me and taken in either Arizona or Chile. I now have my own backyard observatory and am just learning to set it up myself so I can do it all from start to finish. I love all forms of astrophotography; deep sky, nightscapes, lunar, solar, time lapse, star trails, I just can't get enough of it. So nice to be here.
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ac4lt 1.81
·  1 like
Welcome, Debra! You have some wonderful images! I'm envious of your dark sky. It is pretty bright here even at the western end of the DC suburbs. I look forward to seeing your future images!
carastro 8.21
Welcome Olga and Debra.  Nice to see a fair number of female Astrophotographers.

Olga, what you do now with simple equipment will serve you well in the way of experience for the future when you might be able to buy some more advanced kit.

Looks like some of the links have disappeared on this thread due to the data outage.

RIGEL33 0.00
Bonjour les filles !

Je suis française, du sud-ouest du côté de Bordeaux. Désolée de m'exprimer en français mais je ne maîtrise pas du tout l'anglais.

Notre ciel est plutôt bon au sud de la capitale girondine.
De plus, les villes commencent à couper leur éclairage public à certaines heures de la nuit. Est-ce pareil chez vous ?  Je suis super contente de vous découvrir... en France, nous sommes assez rares et il est difficile de se voir et de partager.
Nous aussi nous avons des rencontres d'astronomes amateurs. J'essaie d'aller à toutes celles qui sont à ma portée. Une en mars (dans le sud-ouest du pays), une en mai dans le nord-ouest près de Tours et une septembre dans le centre sud au-dessus de Toulouse.  Mon matériel est assez modeste et je pratique en nomade.
Mais avec des copains, nous avons créé une association il y a 10 ans dont je suis la présidente.
Nous faisons beaucoup d'animations et de sorties d'observation ouvertes au public.
Malheureusement, en 2020, l'arrivée de ce virus a bien freiné nos activités.

J'espère que vous vous portez toutes bien et il me tarde de partager enfin avec des consœurs !

tommyengele2001 0.90
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tommyengele2001 0.90
Hi Carole, @ Sigga, @Kathy
Hi Ladies.

thanks for your support.  I do not watch the sky with my eyes, but with faith.  Only faith gives me the eye.

cs, andromeda65
Soundologist 8.05
Hi all!

I've been on AstroBin for a number of years now, but only recently have come to the realization that I am trans. Since I now identify as a woman, I figured I would join this group. You can read more of my story here!

As a bonus, it looks like I brought us to 666 images. It must be a good sign of things to come.

Much love to you all!
carastro 8.21
Welcome Lily, I know another Woman trans Astrophotographer, though I don't think she is a member of astrobin and certainly in quite a different age bracket to yourself.  

Where did you get the figure 666 images from?   Is this the number of images us Women Astrophotographers have posted and if so where did you find the info? 

Some very nice images on your gallery. 

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ac4lt 1.81
Welcome, Lily!  It is a brave thing to out yourself in a public group.  Good luck in your journies both in astrophotography and life! We look forward to seeing your work here!
KathyNS 5.12
Hi, Lily.

As another trans woman, I support you.  Welcome to the group!  I like your images.

Soundologist 8.05
To Carole, 

On the women astrophotographers homepage, there are some numbers in the top right. It (at the time I post this) shows 666 images & 29 members. I appreciate the kind words.

To Linda,

Thank you for the warm welcome! I am glad to be here.

To Kathy,

It is certainly nice to hear I am not alone on this site. I appreciate your warm welcome!
carastro 8.21
Lilith Gaither:
On the women astrophotographers homepage, there are some numbers in the top right. It (at the time I post this) shows 666 images & 29 members. I appreciate the kind words.

I still can't see the numbers, maybe because I am a premium member and not an Ultimate Member.

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KathyNS 5.12
Lilith Gaither:
On the women astrophotographers homepage, there are some numbers in the top right. It (at the time I post this) shows 666 images & 29 members. I appreciate the kind words.

I still can't see the numbers, maybe because I am a premium member and not an Ultimate Member.


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RIGEL33 0.00
Bienvenue dans le groupe Lilith 

J'aime beaucoup tes photos 
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carastro 8.21
this is what I get:
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