ASIAIR PLus and ZWO EAF ZWO ASIair Plus · Jerry Gerber · ... · 9 · 447 · 0

jsg 8.95
When I am in Autorun taking a series of subs, and I have the ZWO EAF set to refocus every hour, what happens to autorun?  Does the imaging continue while the focusing is being redone, or does imaging stop?  I am not sure as it's happening right now and the screen shows the EAF calculating the new focus point. 

Thommy78 0.00
·  1 like
Hm, normally it should stop. I never thought about it, because if I start an imaging session, it makes automatically an 
autofocus before imaging and not while. Take a look in the logs, there you can find what it does the whole night. 
CS Tom
jsg 8.95
Thomas Groh:
Hm, normally it should stop. I never thought about it, because if I start an imaging session, it makes automatically an 
autofocus before imaging and not while. Take a look in the logs, there you can find what it does the whole night. 
CS Tom

OK, I'll check the logs, thanks.
Tombee 1.51
If I remember correctly the refocusing procedure happens between imaging frames with my Pro.

* Usually I don't use interval/time based refocusing but I've tried it. In my case temperature based (and object and/or filter change) makes more sense as my equipment seems quite static if nothing else changes.
jsg 8.95
·  1 like
Thanks for the tip.  I'm using the EAF for the first time this evening with an Edge HD 8 and was thinking about mirror flop (I don't lock the primary mirror down if I'm using autofocus) so I am focusing every hour.  But I'll have to experiment to see if temperature-based focusing is more efficient.
GiffS 1.51
·  1 like
I also have mine set to temperature not time but I am running a refractor. Exposures pause during the focus routine and resume when done. With an SCT you more than likely will want both if you intend to run unattended overnight. Particularly true if like me right now.  I will see temperatures drop by 20 or 30 degrees overnight. I was out with my C8 and an EAF with hand control last night and without a dew heater running focus was a constant tweak on planetary stuff.  It would eat up a ton of time if autofocus were to run as often as I had to manually adjust focus last night.
smcx 3.01
I think it’s a bug. When i go into the app when an autofocus is happening, it looks like an exposure is still completing but it’s not really. The current exposure looks like it continues until the timer stops, but there is nothing to download.
Carande 1.20
If you look at the ASIAIR log file, it clearly shows the autofocus procedure takes place between the subs.  The next sub won't happen until guiding settles also.  Here's an example from one of my recent log files:

2023/11/17 21:52:08 Exposure 300.0s image 22#
2023/11/17 21:57:09 Exposure 300.0s image 23#
2023/11/17 22:02:11 Exposure 300.0s image 24#
2023/11/17 22:07:12 [Guide] Dither
2023/11/17 22:07:12 [Guide] Dither Settle
2023/11/17 22:07:50 [Guide] Settle Done
2023/11/17 22:07:50 Start Tracking
2023/11/17 22:07:50 [Guide] Stop Guiding
2023/11/17 22:07:50 [AutoFocus|Begin] Run AF 2 hours later, exposure 3.0s Bin1, temperature 11.2℃
2023/11/17 22:07:50 Find Focus Star
2023/11/17 22:07:58 Find Focus Star: detect and calculate star size 3.2 ,  EAF position 31811
2023/11/17 22:07:58 Find Focus Star: finding appropriate stars star size 3.2
2023/11/17 22:08:13 Find Focus Star: detect and calculate star size 9.5 ,  EAF position 31961
2023/11/17 22:08:13 Calculate V-Curve
2023/11/17 22:08:21 Calculate V-Curve: detect and calculate star size 9.2 ,  EAF position 31961
2023/11/17 22:08:30 Calculate V-Curve: detect and calculate star size 7.4 ,  EAF position 31931
2023/11/17 22:08:39 Calculate V-Curve: detect and calculate star size 5.1 ,  EAF position 31901
2023/11/17 22:08:48 Calculate V-Curve: detect and calculate star size 3.7 ,  EAF position 31871
2023/11/17 22:08:56 Calculate V-Curve: detect and calculate star size 3.4 ,  EAF position 31841
2023/11/17 22:09:05 Calculate V-Curve: detect and calculate star size 3.1 ,  EAF position 31811
2023/11/17 22:09:14 Calculate V-Curve: detect and calculate star size 4.0 ,  EAF position 31781
2023/11/17 22:09:23 Calculate V-Curve: detect and calculate star size 5.5 ,  EAF position 31751
2023/11/17 22:09:32 Calculate V-Curve: detect and calculate star size 7.4 ,  EAF position 31721
2023/11/17 22:09:40 Calculate V-Curve: detect and calculate star size 9.5 ,  EAF position 31691
2023/11/17 22:09:47 Find Focus Point
2023/11/17 22:09:55 Calculate Focus Point: detect and calculate star size 4.4 ,  EAF position 31887
2023/11/17 22:10:04 Calculate Focus Point: detect and calculate star size 3.8 ,  EAF position 31872
2023/11/17 22:10:13 Calculate Focus Point: detect and calculate star size 3.5 ,  EAF position 31857
2023/11/17 22:10:22 Calculate Focus Point: detect and calculate star size 3.3 ,  EAF position 31842
2023/11/17 22:10:30 Calculate Focus Point: detect and calculate star size 3.3 ,  EAF position 31827
2023/11/17 22:10:30 Auto focus succeeded, the focused position is 31827
2023/11/17 22:10:30 [AutoFocus|End] Auto focus succeeded
2023/11/17 22:10:34 [Guide] ReSelect Guide star
2023/11/17 22:10:35 [Guide] Start Guiding
2023/11/17 22:10:36 [Guide] Guide Settle
2023/11/17 22:10:42 [Guide] Settle Done
2023/11/17 22:10:42 Exposure 300.0s image 25#
2023/11/17 22:15:43 Exposure 300.0s image 26#
2023/11/17 22:20:45 Exposure 300.0s image 27#
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Rustyd100 4.26
·  1 like
I use EAF with ASI in Plan Mode, which is similar...and it stops sub exposure during the routine, resuming after guiding returns the stars to proper location. It also sometimes follows realignment with a dither move if, in fact, the EAF interruption took place right before a dither move was planned.
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dvawter 0.00
Dave Rust:
I use EAF with ASI in Plan Mode, which is similar...and it stops sub exposure during the routine, resuming after guiding returns the stars to proper location. It also sometimes follows realignment with a dither move if, in fact, the EAF interruption took place right before a dither move was planned.

That has been my experience also.
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