New group for Yorkshire Astro Imagers Yorkshire Astro Imaging · urmymuse · ... · 26 · 179 · 4

urmymuse 1.81
I spotted a new Astrobin member (Gary) from Yorkshire - there must be at least five us on here from this fine county so I thought time to set up a group
boldnuts 2.11
Just joined this group and I am looking forward to participating if the weather allows.
ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
·  1 like
Brilliant 👏🏽 I'm in
Clarky 0.90
Nice one urmymuse, great idea
urmymuse 1.81
·  1 like
Cheers Gary, Abdul and James ! Lets seek out other Yorkshire based imagers on the site and invite them in!
urmymuse 1.81
Welcome Des and CountZer0 !

Clear skies in Leeds tonight at least till midnight - neearly new moon as well ! so am just setting up

How about everyone else ?
ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
·  1 like
I want to image from home tonight but looks im going to a dark location tonight. I have been collecting data on IC1318 for the past 2 months or so and I just want to get it done now. Weather has been poor. I have about 4 hours of imaging time before it goes towards the house. And I still have about 18 hours of data to collect so if I go to a clearer horizon I should get about 6/7 hours
boldnuts 2.11
Just started image the Forsaken nebula and hoping that my guiding settles down, it Screenshot (7).pngshould be clear until the early hours for me
urmymuse 1.81
Complete wash out here ! Computer problems ... very annoying , good luck with your sessions
urmymuse 1.81
Slight improvement - got one rig going - on the wizard
ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
·  1 like
Tonight has been a disaster for me. Try again tomorrow
CountZer0 0.90
So there are other imagers in Yorkshire after all!

Had a reasonable night last night just outside Otley with a couple of hours on heart nebula with @Des McMorrow imaging too. I was also running my Rumak for some GRS action but clouds said Nope at about 11.15 sadly. We still managed a proper visual look at Jupiter (eyepiece! eyeball!), but seeing wasn't brilliant. Thanks Jetstream :/. Results of heart just posted tonight after some hefty processing, well worth the social.
Clarky 0.90
Hideous vertical banding testing out my Canon R6 on M31 - but discovered there’s even a script in Pixinsight just for this. How poor from Canon that they haven’t addressed such a fundamental issue with their cameras.  Think I’ll stick with just my astro cams in future.

At least I got some decent data on Arp 273 the same night (with ASI2600MM) even if an hour or so lost to cloud.  Not had time to process fully yet.
CountZer0 0.90
James Clark:
Hideous vertical banding testing out my Canon R6 on M31 - but discovered there’s even a script in Pixinsight just for this. How poor from Canon that they haven’t addressed such a fundamental issue with their cameras.  Think I’ll stick with just my astro cams in future.

At least I got some decent data on Arp 273 the same night (with ASI2600MM) even if an hour or so lost to cloud.  Not had time to process fully yet.

I cannot begin to describe the annoyance of the horizontal banding on the Canon 750 I sometimes use, caused by the Phased Detect Auto-Focus (PDAF) pixels. It IS fixable with flats from every session where the rotation angle may change, so a total pain in the backside over multi session imaging. Its the main reason I changed to the ZWO 533 instead and aquired the apropriate canon lens adaptors to keep using the Samyang 135. I learned a lot the hard way in this hobby I suppose, but you only tend to find this things out after the event, not knowing on quite what to look out for or expect when you're new to a hobby as technically demanding as this can be. Not to say the canon was a write off since it did send me down the rabbit hole and some of my earlier images were actually OK imho but it's a pile of money I'd never have spent if i'd started off again knowing what I know now.
PDAF lines.png
5 pairs of lines covering roughly 1/2 the sensor width & height. This is massively stretched to show them, but they show up like a bad penny in processing.
Edited ...
Clarky 0.90
Luckily for me I didn’t buy it for astro (except for Milky Way shots) but it would be useful to be able to use it.  This is how it came out.  I was on manual focus but I think I left the image stabilisation switched on.
I might experiment further if I can be bothered
CountZer0 0.90
James Clark:
Luckily for me I didn’t buy it for astro (except for Milky Way shots) but it would be useful to be able to use it.  This is how it came out.  I was on manual focus but I think I left the image stabilisation switched on.
I might experiment further if I can be bothered

* Out of curiosity, how did you do the flats? I was reading that you can get amusing interference patterns using 50hz led lights and some shutter speeds. I used to use a laptop screen pressed against the white sheet in front of the scope, but tend to use GraXpert AI now for gradient removal
Clarky 0.90
They were 3s flats using a Geoptik flat field generator. They look ok when stretched strongly but who knows
Clarky 0.90
I use graxpert ai too, but in addition to flats. Graxpert more for the additive gradients
whitfieldp 1.20
·  1 like
Hello there from Silsden! I was a bit surprised to find this group when browsing around Astrobin...
With the weather lately this group could be renamed 'Masochists Anonymous'!  With all the water in the valley bottom at the moment maybe kayaking would be a better fit....?

I do my imaging with what many would regard as totally obsolete gear these days - a mono KAF8300-based QHY9 CCD but it still works and all the new processing tools keep the processed images still looking half decent versus the newer stuff..
I struggle with my spine so I just image from my backyard in narrowband or LRGB depending on the conditions and may yet switch to a smaller scope if my 102mm triplet gets too much to handle. I'm well set up for lazy imaging though - once set up I can image from inside with a glass of wine pure to reduce vibration of course

Best regards
Clarky 0.90
·  1 like
Hi Pam, welcome aboard.  I’m with you on the lazy imaging….especially this past week with -6C but lovely clear sky for a few nights … best controlled by wifi sat in front of the log burner with a glass of wine and the cats snuggled up.
I’m still stacking the 132h of data I got last week (with 4 rigs…it’s not that clear in Harrogate) so that should keep me busy until we get another clear night.
whitfieldp 1.20
Thanks James!
I could do with a few hours of Ha for one project but might be waiting a while......
I used to live abroad and imaged in both the US and Switzerland as well as here so I imaged in some prety chilly conditions - but that was when I was younger. Being older and more sensible I've now fully embraced lazy (and warm) imaging
ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
·  1 like
Welcome to the group Pam 😀
Clarky 0.90
·  1 like
Ooh, where did you live in Switzerland?  We lived in Grandvaux, near Lausanne for a few years and used to have a holiday home in Wengen until a few years ago.  All pre-astro for me, though I did do a snowy mountains and Milky Way shot from Gornergrat above Zermatt a couple of summers ago. I don’t think I posted it on astrobin, maybe I should.
whitfieldp 1.20
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James Clark:
Ooh, where did you live in Switzerland?  We lived in Grandvaux, near Lausanne for a few years and used to have a holiday home in Wengen until a few years ago.  All pre-astro for me, though I did do a snowy mountains and Milky Way shot from Gornergrat above Zermatt a couple of summers ago. I don’t think I posted it on astrobin, maybe I should.

I lived in Brugg (not far from Baden). I was closer to the Jura mountains than the Alps but I went hiking in the Bernese Oberland on most Sundays (including winter!). I miss being able to get around as easily as I could there - I had a GA pass so was able to go pretty much where I liked
whitfieldp 1.20
·  1 like
Abdul Thomas Jnr:
Welcome to the group Pam 😀

Thanks Abdul!
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