Testing Antlia Quad Band Anti-Light - Strange Halos Antlia Quad Band Anti-Light Pollution Filter 2" Mounted · MarcoPalaferri · ... · 11 · 1175 · 4

MarcoPalaferri 0.90
Hello, I am testing the new "Antlia Quad Band Anti-Light" filter. This is my first acquisition, but on very bright stars like Alnitak, it created a strange halo, with an exposure time of 300 seconds. The strange thing is that the same subject with the same exposure but using the Antlia Triband filter did not produce the same result. What do you think could be the reason?

I believe I should reduce the exposure time, what do you think? In any case, I managed to recover that part in post-production, and I will share the result of the processing with you. 


AsteoMik 0.90
you didn't specify which camera you used for the test... in any case, try placing an IRCUT filter on the optical train... before or after the camera and see if it still does it
MarcoPalaferri 0.90
Dear Michele,
Thanks for your feedback, I use ZWO ASI 294 MC PRO RGB. if I use IR/CUT the I reduce the benefit of the Antila Quad Band, it open the signal > 770nm to 920nm.

AsteoMik 0.90
The ASI 294 does not have an integrated IRCUT filter... I would try with a camera that has this filter to evaluate whether the halos are due to this. Will I be wrong? maybe... but not everyone has the 294, others also have cameras like the 2600 which natively mount an ircut
WhooptieDo 9.82
The ASI 294 does not have an integrated IRCUT filter... I would try with a camera that has this filter to evaluate whether the halos are due to this. Will I be wrong? maybe... but not everyone has the 294, others also have cameras like the 2600 which natively mount an ircut

I think Michele hit the nail on the head with this one.   Looks a bit like a microlensing effect, maybe due to the IR passthrough of the quad band filter.
MarcoPalaferri 0.90
·  1 like
I tested on Vega the filter, with ASI 294 MC and 150DP F4 Skywatcher, the result is better (the last image was with RC8) but I can see artificat of the microlens of the camera  I will test on the IC434 this weekend, I will give you fedback soon.
andreatax 7.90
Dear Michele,
Thanks for your feedback, I use ZWO ASI 294 MC PRO RGB. if I use IR/CUT the I reduce the benefit of the Antila Quad Band, it open the signal > 770nm to 920nm.

There are no benefits to be gained but only drawbacks for that camera (in fact for any OSC camera). I still don't get why ZWO made that choice but an IR filter is required.
Rigel-5 0.00
Hello Marco, what kind of a telescope do you use?  I am thinking that you have been used a Newton, a RC system . That kind of telescopes procuced always halos around the bright stars and of course large spikes. 
But your image shows too much artifacts. I am thinking that this filter from Atilia is not the right filter for your equipment. Perhaps you have some more filters against light pollution. I am using the Atillia Alp- T 2 Dual Band H Alpha and O III of 5 Nm. It works very good with my Boren Simon Astrograph F 2,8.
Exposuretimes of 720 seconds are possible, of course I can still see some spikes around bright stars and sometimes halos.
These artifacts are very simple to resolve:  Blur X Terminator of RC Astro does the work for you, so that you have a better image. You can try a demo version of 30 days, it is free and shows all the possiblities and you can save the result on your PC. I wish you succes if you want to try that demo version. Perhaps it helps to minisize your artefacts. See my image of the Cygnus Wall, 720 seconds exposure time with a filter from Optolong, the L eNhance 2 made with my Boren Simon at F 2,8, the canera was a SBIG ST 4000 XCM and a self guiding chip. Made on August 14th 2023 in the Netherlands.Untitled488 NGC 7000 Cygnus Wall BS 250 mm F 2,8 ST 4000 XCM Optolong L eXtreme 2 TC 237 G 11 21-08-2023.jpg
tomwoc 0.00
My money would be on microlensing. I've seen a few examples of this on various Sony sensors when a imaging a bright source in the NIR region (> 800nm ish). The tell-tale sign is the grid like pattern. Looks like that filter passes up to 900 nm. Here are some examples using different planetary cameras at 1000 nm https://twitter.com/SkyInspector/status/1599541630746251265
MarcoPalaferri 0.90
good news, the problem on IC434 is not visible, there are no artifacts,  with 150DP F4 Skywatcher and ZWO ASI 294 MC, under the single 300" image from Alnitak.

I think we can conclude that the problems I encountered at the beginning were due to the RC8 setup.

Yesterday, I tested on NGC6992, I got 3 hours of exposure. I share the link with you:   https://www.astrobin.com/bgtvrt/

Tonight I shot the M33, I will post it on Astrobin soon.

Thank you all for your support.

Edited ...
HotSkyAstronomy 2.62
·  1 like
Those are infrared microlensing reflections. They are normal in most color cameras, mono does not really have that issue.
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