Strange image issue QHYCCD QHY600PH M · Dan Brown · ... · 2 · 178 · 1

Hellbender 1.81
Thursday night I was getting my rig set for a night of imaging. I took a 20 second exposure with my QHY600 and nina. The image completed the exposure immediately, and was completely black. The header read an exposure of 20 seconds but it wasn't. It appeared that no light was collected. I can't remember exactly how I fixed the issue but I think I restarted nina and my camera.
Afterwards I started my night of imaging. Tonight while reviewing the images I saw that 46 images appeared black. When I stretched one I got the result below, half bright half dark. The light half seems to contain nothing but hot pixels. After the 46 bad images the camera worked fine for another 3 hours. 
Any thoughts? Is this a nina issue or camera issue?
The only thing I did different that night was my polar alignment. I usually use Sharpcap and my guide camera to polar align, that night I used Sharpcap and my qhy600 to polar align. I don't believe this would cause issues but I'm putting it out there just in case.

Edited ...
ChuckNovice 4.21
I don't believe this would cause issues but I'm putting it out there just in case.

That is exactly the issue. When connecting to the same camera as NINA from SharpCap to polar align, NINA will then only get corrupted images from that point. To fix this you need to reconnect the camera in NINA and tell it to cool again. See:
Hellbender 1.81
Thank you very much Miquel. I was all kinds of stressed out. I had visions of sending the camera back for repair and missing the best imaging seasons.
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