Hi all Sorry in advance for the wall of text.
I started this hobby back in Feb of this year, but sadly Arizona's monsoons and health issues sidelined me for the last 3 months or so. It feels like I am having to relearn everything. This is my fist attempt at M31.

130x120s Gain 100 all captured using the live preview @ 2 hours 3 times last night. I did Autofocus between each session and tracking bounced between .4 & .7. Dithered every 3rd frame.

Workflow... as best as I can remember

WBPP With "Galaxy" preset & 2x Drizzle
DBE with manual selection about 80 points
SPCC with Filter preset selected
Manual histo stretch to get close then Arcstretch
bumped up the saturation on the red and blues by a bit
No frills manual histo stretch on the stars
pixel math to combine
SCNR (green)
Small histogram adjustment at the end to bump up the contrast a bit.
Small dynamic crop
Resampled 40% to get the resolution close to 4k

It looks like we have very good skies in the forecast for the next 4 days, so I want to try to grab another 16 hours of data.

A few questions to go along with good, the bad, and the ugly feedback I am requesting:

Is 20 hours or data too much/little? where do I hit diminishing returns?
I noticed there is a a semi recent update to PI, but I have had the nerve to attempt the upgrade yet. Is there anything new in the update that makes it a must have with my setup? I saw mention of new "FAST" stuff, but best I can tell that is only for planetary stuff.

I tried to be as detailed as possible, but if I missed something critical that is needed to provide help, please let me know.
