interesting trail on one of my subs... Other · NeilM · ... · 6 · 301 · 2

NeilM 2.11
While checking my subs of the Iris Nebula before processing, I noticed this strange "trail" in one of my subs.  It is unlike all of the regular satellite trails - very short and also much narrower.  Does anyone have any idea what it could be?  Maybe a rotating piece of space debris that caught the sun's reflection for a short time?

Neilweird trail.jpg
messierman3000 4.20
I heard that one guy who had something similar found out it was an asteroid, maybe he was joking. It could be an alien in a sports car drifting away into oblivion.
Edited ...
NeilM 2.11
Haha yes it might be Elon Musk's Tesla!  

mush tesla space.jpg
refoster61 1.20
Might be interesting to take this single frame into PI, run Image Solver then run Annotate script selecting asteroids.
NeilM 2.11
Thanks, Rob!  I understood the "might be interesting..." part of your sentence but you lost me after that!  I'm not a PI user. Do asteroids exhibit this kind of behavior?
barnold84 10.79
I heard that one guy who had something similar found out it was an asteroid, maybe he was joking. It could be an alien in a sports car drifting away into oblivion.

I guess he rather meant to say meteor (which was an asteroid at some point) and that’s what I guess the OP sees in his sub.
FlemmingK 1.51
·  1 like
It looks very much like a meteor. An asteroid would also be in the neighboring subs, and you say it is only in one of them. Asteroid trails also have the same brightness from start to finish, and this trail seems fainter at the ends.
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