Battery question ZWO ASIAIR · danbi · ... · 26 · 912 · 0

danbi 0.00
I have a ASIAir mini and have read somewhere on the internet that you should NOT use one battery to power everything ... instead, one battery shud be used to power the mount and a second battery to power ASIair. 
But I see nothing in the ZWO documentation or website that recommends the use of two batteries.
Any thoughts such appreciated. Thanks for reading.
luigi67 0.00
There are no problems with using only one battery. Anyone who claims otherwise should specify the reason...
Stefan2499 1.81
I use two batteries, one for mount and one for asiair, but only because i have two batteries. I think my one battery is probably not powerful enough to handle a full night. But i dont think its bad to use only once. In fact i always use only one when im at home. Not sure how it affects the battery, i tend to charge it when at home while using it, but its a nice way for me to connect all my cables without needing any extras.
stuffedcrust21 0.00
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I have an ASIAir mini. I have one battery, the smallest jackery box, with a cigarette 2 way splitter. One cable runs to my mount, the other to the ASIAir which powers 2 dew heaters, cooled camera, guide scope and EAF
prover 0.90
If your battery has enough capacity for both there is no reason to not do it. For my mobile sessions I use only one powestation, no problems or issues.
stuffedcrust21 0.00

In my opinion, it’s better to use separate cables as it’s much less likely to get a cable snag, the mount power cable just drops to the floor instead of running back up to the ASIAir but using the same power supply
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Stefan2499 1.81
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In my opinion, it’s better to use separate cables as it’s much less likely to get a cable snag, the mount power cable just drops to the floor instead of running back up to the ASIAir but using the same power supply

I dont think they intended to use the 12V ports on the asiair for powering the mount?
Space_City_Astro 0.00
I have a ASIAir mini and have read somewhere on the internet that you should NOT use one battery to power everything ... instead, one battery shud be used to power the mount and a second battery to power ASIair. 
But I see nothing in the ZWO documentation or website that recommends the use of two batteries.
Any thoughts such appreciated. Thanks for reading.

If the either one loses power then your night of imaging is over anyway - why bother carrying on powering the other if one isn't on? One battery has worked great for me for years. As long as you have enough watt-hours of capacity to make it through the amount of imaging time you need, then one battery is fine.
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LorenzoDalMolin 0.00
One battery is Ok, but you mustn’t power the mount from the ASIAIR.
I have one battery with two sigarette socket. One cable for ASIAIR, one for mount. Be careful to the battery capacity.
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CurryXelrai 0.00
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I power my mount (AVX) with a seperate battery, while powering the imaging camera with asiair.
I guess it is possible to power both devices via the asiair. However, you should calculate if the asiair/poweradapter is able to handle the power-demand all devices have together. The poweradapter needs to provide enough power for asiair, the mount and the camera.

I prefer to use a seperate battery for powering the mount because it means that I have less cables on my telescope (my asiair is mounted on my telescope).

Hope this is helpful in some way.
bdm201170 2.11
·  1 like
I have a ASIAir mini and have read somewhere on the internet that you should NOT use one battery to power everything ... instead, one battery shud be used to power the mount and a second battery to power ASIair. 
But I see nothing in the ZWO documentation or website that recommends the use of two batteries.
Any thoughts such appreciated. Thanks for reading.

There are no problems with using only one battery.
bdm201170 2.11
·  1 like
I have a ASIAir mini and have read somewhere on the internet that you should NOT use one battery to power everything ... instead, one battery shud be used to power the mount and a second battery to power ASIair. 
But I see nothing in the ZWO documentation or website that recommends the use of two batteries.
Any thoughts such appreciated. Thanks for reading.

There are no problems with using only one battery
Like 0.00
Curious. Where did you read that ? I've been using a Jackery 500 for everything, without issues whatsoever. Good reflex to cross-check information!
danbi 0.00
·  1 like
Cant recall where I read. Someone’s astronomy blog. Seemed like an odd and unexplained statement thats why I thought I’d inquire further. Thx.
TomekG 1.43
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I've been using one battery (12 V 90Ah) to power everything. One lead goes into AM5 and then to focuser/dew heater box, small PC and things like filter wheel, guider. Another lead goes into my camera - FLI8000 which is very power hungry when it opens the shutter. This is the only reason why I use 2 cables and 1 battery. Never had any power issues. The downside of one battery like mine is that is veeery heavy.
sdtopensied 0.90
There’s nothing wrong with using two batteries and there’s nothing wrong with using one battery.  Most of us that use two batteries do so out of old-school habits.  Before the ASI Air came along and made plate solving stupid easy, losing power to the mount would set you back as much as 45 minutes to an hour because there was no plate solving and aligning the mount and getting the target centered on the chip was a giant pain in the butt.

Ah…the good old days.  

Today, if I lose power, I just put the mount back to home position, turn on the ASIAIR and let it do its thing and I’m back in business in a couple of minutes.

I still use two batteries, but it’s because two lighter batteries are easier to load and unload than one heavy one.
jro_rm 0.00
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I use asiair mini with my lifepo4 battery, but i use differente cables to gear supply. Asiair directly to the battery, as same zwo cameras and dew heaters. In the beginning i used asiair to supply cameras and dew heaters but i had some asiair advices of low voltage that i scared me. This way i have no problem at all
AstroCane83 0.00
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Richard Harvey:
Curious. Where did you read that ? I've been using a Jackery 500 for everything, without issues whatsoever. Good reflex to cross-check information!

From what I get out of this is Not that it can't be powered by one external battery but that you shouldn't power your mount with one of the 12VDC outputs on the ASIAIR.

I have no problem powering my mount with one of the 12VDC outputs on the ASIAIR  as well as my cooled OSC, using one power supply. I am pretty sure the Jackery 500 has the wattage to power ASIAIR and mount via the ASIAIR.
danbi 0.00
thank you, everyone, for your trouble and advice. much appreciated.
ChuckNovice 5.25
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Richard Harvey:
Curious. Where did you read that ? I've been using a Jackery 500 for everything, without issues whatsoever. Good reflex to cross-check information!

From what I get out of this is Not that it can't be powered by one external battery but that you shouldn't power your mount with one of the 12VDC outputs on the ASIAIR.

I have no problem powering my mount with one of the 12VDC outputs on the ASIAIR  as well as my cooled OSC, using one power supply. I am pretty sure the Jackery 500 has the wattage to power ASIAIR and mount via the ASIAIR.

I have the Jackery 1000 and the battery can handle the entire setup. However, using a single power adapter to power my CEM70 then routing the power from the head of the mount to the ASI6200MM, ASIAir, EAF, EFW, Guide camera, Dew heater all at once worked for 8 months and the power adapter fried at the start of the summer. It got extremely hot. Now I still run with just one battery but I use two power adapters. One for the mount and another for the rest.
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Gary.JONES 5.77
Happy to share my experience here ...

1. It is perfectly OK to use one battery to power everything.

Pros :-
- Simple
- Portable
- Inexpensive

Cons :-
- Power surges on one device can affect other devices - eg slewing the mount can cause ripples on the power supply for your camera.

2. It is perfectly OK to use two batteries to power everything.

Pros :-
- Isolates power surges between devices
- Provides redundancy in case your other battery goes flat
- Easier to carry 2 small batteries.

Cons :-
- More stuff to manage.
- A serious issue - this can create power loops if the batteries run at slightly different voltages - this can be very (very) bad.

Before I sold my ASIAir, I used a single battery to run the ASIAir, which in turn powered everything in my setup, including the mount. It worked perfectly well.

I have two power packs now, each with several separately regulated outputs. I use one output for the controller + cameras, and another output for the mount. But I still run everything from one pack, and use the second as a spare.

Personally, I can't see any benefit at all in running separate pieces of equipment from separate batteries.
Power loops with batteries running at slightly different voltages can make your equipment behave strangely - or worse, can cook your gear.

The most important thing is to make sure your power cables are as short as practicable, and rated at much more current that you expect to use.

I had a situation where my controller shut down every time my mount slewed, but only when the camera cooler was running above 90% power.
The voltage drop through the power cable was enough to make the controller undervolt.
I replaced the cable with a shorter, thicker one and the issue went away.

The same applies to USB cables - use quality USB cables that are appropriate for the task (ie USB 3.x for the camera, USB 2.x for things like focussers), are shielded, have a ferrite at each end, and are as short as practicable.

Summing up - one battery with separate regulated outputs (eg a Bluetti) is the way to go. They can be expensive, but definitely worth it when it comes to providing stable outputs with overload protection.
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aRackwitz 0.00
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Hello, I only use the following powerbank for the Skywatcher GTi and ASIAir Plus and have had no problems so far:,69822
gregm 0.00
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If using two batteries, connect the negatives together with thicker to prevent your gear or thin cables carrying current ( earth loops)

you don’t need two batteries. Problems suggested here and other places are invariably caused by voltage drop in cables or connectors. Just because someone doesn’t understand electrical stuff and guesses a solution doesn’t make it correct. 

For the most part, only use wire current rating as a guide. It’s more important to keep the voltage drop low for the current you’re handling. Always use the thicker wire and keep them short. Usually the wire sizes is determined by what yo can fit in a connector. Particularly for higher current devices like motors and dew heaters. 

connectors are another potential voltage drop area. I removed any cigarette lighter sockets. Besides their habit of coming loose, they offer a poor connection, particularly with often only one of those wipers on the side wired onto the negative. I use Anderson powerpole connectors

your battery has a low internal resistance and will counter voltage fluctuations with motors. To take advantage of that, try to run mount wires back to a distribution point at your battery. Thin wires are a higher resistance so will develop a larger voltage drop under load. Often your gear will not appreciate that lower voltage (particularly mounts)

if you want to lighten your battery and you’re using lead acid (usually AGM or gel), change to LiFePO4 (ie. lithium iron phosphate - notice I said iron and not ion. USB power banks, cameras, mobiles etc mostly use a different type of lithium ion that don’t easily match the lead acid replacement voltage. They are usually lithium manganese nickel cobalt oxide and are more prone to explode and cobalt gives off poisonous gases). If you do swap batteries to LiFePO4, don’t be tricked into claims of drop in replacement for lead acid using the same charger. 

and lastly 12v battery systems are not 12v. It’s a normal voltage label. If you think you need to regulate the voltage to your gear (I don’t think it’s necessary) then set the voltage to around 13.5v to 13.8v

sorry for the huge reply but it’s only a summary of the things I find people ask after having power issues and some of the issues people have mentioned above are examples of people getting confused over reading some guesswork on the internet
wizzlebippi 3.61
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I'm not sure if this is true of the asiair mini or plus, but the manual for the pro says < 10A input, < 6A total for the 12V outputs, and < 3A for any 12V output. Most of ZWO's power recommendations align with these specs. For example, the total 12V power draw for some cameras can exceed 3A with two USB devices on the hub, the heater on, and the cooler at 100%. This is why they recommend not powering them through an asiair.  Some bigger mounts with servo motors can draw 3A while slewing, and it's simpler to say don't power your mount through an asiair.
xxao 0.00
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Hi, for my setup I am using a Jackery 240. Single cable goes to AM5 mount and from it further into ASIAir Plus. Everything else is powered directly from ASIAir. That includes cooled camera, ZWO focuser and two dew heaters. Originally, I have been using this battery for SkyguiderPro and it was OK. For this new setup with AM5, it still works great, but it is empty in about 5 hours. I am considering Jackery 500, but I am still waiting for a model using USB-C for charging.
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