Hello Massachusetts Astro! Massachusetts Astro · orionbonker93 · ... · 6 · 50 · 0

orionbonker93 0.00
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Hello all. My name is Shrey Thaker and I come from Malden, MA. Always had an account here, and a basic AP rig at home, but never wuite got a chance to photograph something until last weekend when I captured my first deep sky image, ever! Posted it here, and navigating through the website to get a bit comfortable since after my first capture, and looking at the processed image, I am now super excited to do it more often I did in the past. Happy to be a member of this group. Here to learn and marvel at the universe along the way
naztronomy 0.00
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Welcome to the world of astrophotography! I have family in Malden so I'm there fairly often but I live in Arlington. Great work with your first shot of M33!
orionbonker93 0.00
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Thank you! Malden is nice, slightly less light pollution than Boston for sure
naztronomy 0.00
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I'm originally from NYC so Boston is nice, Arlington is better, Malden is woo, and anywhere darker is whoa.
orionbonker93 0.00
on that scale, I would say where I was last weekend was a 'yabba dabba doo'! lol. Tried capturing Andromeda last night from Malden but the sky is not that good to give me a glimpse, need to improve on finding targets, but the weather app says clear skies after 1am today, so heres hoping!
naztronomy 0.00
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Ha! Bortle 3 is definitely Yabba Dabba doo! The darkest I've shot from is Bortle 4. 

Andromeda from Malden will take some practice. You should have a ton of fun when Orion comes out earlier in late fall/early winter. The 135mm lens is perfect for from everything in that region. 

I've used my 135mm lens to catch Andromeda from my backyard a few years ago. I don't have that image uploaded to AstroBin but I have this one here taken from my backyard: https://www.astrobin.com/gsroo6/

That's with an astro-cam but I can get a pretty decent shot with a DSLR (canon T2i). 

You can see my first shot of Andromeda with the 135mm lens and then my next try in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trq6DkHueZc - I show all of my processing steps in that video. The second shot was with the same camera (Canon T2i) and my AT60ED refractor shot at f/4.8.

There's an astronomy club based out in Westford (ATMoB). There's a field you can use and it's in a bortle 5 zone. Probably a ~30 minute drive from where you are. If you want a darker area close by to image from, check out the club. Tons of knowledgeable members and a 25" telescope that will blow your mind. 

Clear skies!
orionbonker93 0.00
·  1 like
Thanks a lot for the recommendations! I did get lucky last night and captured some pictures of andromeda galaxy, end image looks satisfactory from an amateur's perspective!

Will get the club membership! Would be cool to meet up sometime if you are a member too! Will check out your videos for sure!

Clear skies
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