ChatGPT is so freaking funny (and amazing!) Anything goes · messierman3000 · ... · 11 · 610 · 2

messierman3000 4.20
I wanted to see ChatGPT's poetical ability (but with a funny twist), here is what I got.


"In the cosmos' vast expanse, where stars align, A tale of beans and stars begins to intertwine. Through the lens of wonder, a photographer's eye, Beans and astrophotography, an unlikely sky. In a humble kitchen, beans take their form, Nourishing bodies, comforting and warm.

But in the hands of an artist with creative spark, They become celestial wonders in the dark. Beans, small and ordinary, now become the key, To capture the mysteries of the cosmic sea. As night blankets the sky, a canvas unfurled, The photographer's lens captures a different world.

In the depths of darkness, where galaxies gleam, Astrophotography reveals a mesmerizing dream.
Beans, once ordinary, now mimic stars' dance, As they twinkle and shimmer in their cosmic trance. The photographer's skill, a dance with the night, Blending art and science, bringing stars to light.

Through long exposures and careful precision, The wonders of the universe find a visual rendition. Beans, with their shapes and textures so varied, Mirror the galaxies, infinite and far from weary.

With patience and passion, the photographer's aim, To share the cosmic beauty, an eternal flame. So let us cherish these humble beans we hold, Their connection to the cosmos, a story to be told.

Through astrophotography's lens, we see, The universe's grandeur, reflected in a bean's glee. In beans and astrophotography, worlds entwine, Creating a tapestry, both earthly and divine.

May we find inspiration in the ordinary and grand, And glimpse the wonders of the universe, hand in hand."


"Beneath the celestial canopy, where stars do gleam, A story brews, merging tea and astrophotography's dream. In the tranquil moments when the day finds repose, We sip on warmth, as the universe softly bestows.

With each gentle sip, the world begins to fade, As tea transports us to the cosmos' serenade. The aroma, a nebula's scent, dances in the air, As we indulge in the brew, finding solace and care.

Astrophotography's lens captures the night's embrace, Revealing secrets of galaxies, interstellar grace. As tea's warmth fills our souls, we find our own retreat, Immersed in cosmic wonders, our senses complete.

Sitting under the stars, cup in hand, we ponder,
The mysteries of the universe, our thoughts wander. As constellations shimmer, tea's comfort takes hold, Igniting inspiration, a celestial story unfolds.

With each heavenly sip, we taste the universe's delight, In the whispers of leaves, stars' secrets ignite. And in astrophotography's frame, the scene unfurls, Tea and stars unite, creating magic in our world.

So let us sip on tea's celestial gift, sip it slow, Engaging with the cosmos, letting our spirits grow. In the fusion of tea and astrophotography's bliss, We find a harmony, a cosmic symphony, we cannot miss.

As we drink in the beauty of both realms combined, Tea and stars forever intertwined. May the universe's wonders forever captivate, In every cup of tea, a glimpse of our cosmic fate."
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SeabirdNZ 1.91
You should check the results for limericks 
jolathonlogan 0.00
that's funny, you should check the content of ChatGPT generated
Yeah, ChatGPT is pretty cool and can put things into words much, much better than I can.
It’s also really good at coming up with pixelmath equations. Does require a couple of tries sometimes though.

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jsg 8.95
Ask ChatGPT to make up a story about ChatGPT and bullshit.  Or ChatGPT and soulless elegance.  Or ChatGPT and poetic nonsense.   
Supro 3.81
·  1 like
I love the writing it does, but try asking it questions about astrophotography

it checked my backfocus settings the other day for me
jsg 8.95
Nick Grundy:
I love the writing it does, but try asking it questions about astrophotography

it checked my backfocus settings the other day for me

Did it get it right?
Supro 3.81
Jerry Gerber:
Did it get it right?

it totally did. But...I also asked it last night about spot diagrams for different scopes. It has trouble with the visuals
jsg 8.95
Nick Grundy:
Jerry Gerber:
Did it get it right?

it totally did. But...I also asked it last night about spot diagrams for different scopes. It has trouble with the visuals

AI, like all technologies but perhaps even more so, is a double-edged sword.  It will probably advance many sciences, including medicine and the biological sciences in ways we cannot even imagine, but as far as doing art, music, literature, etc. it will be a complete failure unless the sentience, subjectivity and emotional intelligence of the artist controls the AI and uses it as a tool to make decisions and not allow the AI to make any decisions on its own.
padraig 1.20
You should check the results for limericks 

Sure, Limerick is found in Ireland 🇮🇪 we all know that 🤣🤣🤣🤣

messierman3000 4.20
Nick Grundy:
Jerry Gerber:
Did it get it right?

it totally did. But...I also asked it last night about spot diagrams for different scopes. It has trouble with the visuals

I have tried to make it solve a million dollar math question. It didn't happen 
messierman3000 4.20
With that amount of money, I would get an Askar 151 PHQ with a 461mm pro, a filter wheel, RGB filters, 3nm Antlia filters, ASIair mini or plus, and a harmonic drive mount. And go to Bortle 1 in the middle of Canada or something. And make my observatory.  Probably every astrophotographer's dream.
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