TAIC: Remote Imaging, The Ins, Outs, Ups, and Downs of Imaging in Chile Other · John Hayes · ... · 2 · 340 · 1

jhayes_tucson 22.82
Tomorrow evening (Sunday, 7/16/23) at 9:30 EDT/6:30PDT, I will be doing a presentation about Remote Imaging at Obstech in Chile on The Astro-Imaging Channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOmyoKMDnpc[b]). [/b]  It will cover all the gory details of how to get your equipment there, what it costs, how to get there yourself, what you need, and a photo tour of the observatories on the mountain.  It should be fun!  So I hope that you can join us.

I've prepared a little handout that goes with the presentation.  This covers some of my thoughts on best practices for setting up and running a remote telescope.  If you have additions or comments, I'd love to hear them.  Here it is:

Remote Configuration and Troubleshooting Guide 7-15-23.pdf


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Marcelof 4.52
We will be watching the streaming, for sure.
Gmadkat 4.44
Looking forward to it, John!
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