Strange vertical line in image stack Other · Konrad Krebs · ... · 6 · 383 · 3

Konrad_Krebs 0.00
Hi guys,
I noticed something strange on a stack, do any of you have any idea what the problem could be?
This is a stack, about 4h, taken with an unmodified Nikon Z6 + Samyang 135 f2 on a startracker. I use this combination more often, but I have never noticed this strange line. I just did an (automated) background extraction, nothing else. I also can notice this line in a single exposure:
Same for this, only ABE.

Any ideas on this?
Konrad_Krebs 0.00
No idea on this strange line in the image?
andreatax 7.90
To be honest I think it has more to do with the way you stacked up the lights and whether you applied LN to the right frame of reference. From the single light the dark vertical line isn't that obvious...
andreatax 7.90
I have faint memories of something of that sort happening to me once but as much as I rack my brains I cannot recall what was. It must have happened long time ago.
Konrad_Krebs 0.00
Thanks Andrea for the reply.

I will give it a new try and restack the images without LN. I just used WBPP script as usual.

As mentioned, I have used this setup and workflow many times before and never had such a strange line. I used a startracker there is no possibility that some images may have drifted significantly.
Konrad_Krebs 0.00
So I had the time to do the stacking again without LN, unfortunately with the same result. I think that there might be any problem with the data or sensor of the cam. I will try to find out more and let you know, whenever I will find the rootcause.
wittinobi 0.90
I also can notice this line in a single exposure:Rohbild.PNG

have you test another (maybe shorter) usb cable, or lower usb-speed (if possible)?
...or another sdcard (dont know how you capture)?

best regards
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