Contains:  Solar system body or event
Mars in IR and RGB 19th Sept 2022, LacailleOz

Mars in IR and RGB 19th Sept 2022

Mars in IR and RGB 19th Sept 2022, LacailleOz

Mars in IR and RGB 19th Sept 2022



Acquisition details



Poor seeing and clouds in SE Australia  have meant a long gap since I was able to post anything worthwhile here.  Yesterday, however, I rose at 4 am and found, for a change, that conditions were clear and the seeing fairly steady for imaging Mars - albeit at low altitude (about 30 degrees - this will remain the case here for this opposition).

The images are in IR850 nm (UT 18:53) and RGB (UT19:08).

Clouds are visible over the Tharsis chain (and possibly over the Lunae plain north of Valles Marineris).  Olympus gleams red to the NW.



Mars in IR and RGB 19th Sept 2022, LacailleOz