Contains:  Solar system body or event
Lyrids 2024, Don Ogaard

Lyrids 2024

Lyrids 2024, Don Ogaard

Lyrids 2024



Acquisition details



The Lyrids were a difficult target this year. Of course, there was the near-full moon to deal with. Locally, I had consistent clouds ranging from high and thin to completely overcast.

Some 700 frames taken over two nights - 30s, f2.4, ISO1600 - yielded these 13 useable meteor trails. The clouds and the moon caused a significant blue cast, which I tried to correct as best I could.

The background is constructed from 15 of the better meteor-less frames, using WBPP in PI.

The foreground, a cottonwood tree in my front yard, is a single frame, 8s, f2.4, ISO1600.

Here's hoping for better conditions nest year!



Lyrids 2024, Don Ogaard