Contains:  Solar system body or event
Flare Loop Proms from May 15 2024 X3 Flare, walkman

Flare Loop Proms from May 15 2024 X3 Flare

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Flare Loop Proms from May 15 2024 X3 Flare, walkman

Flare Loop Proms from May 15 2024 X3 Flare

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



There was an X3 class solar flare May 15, 2024, at 1438 UT from an active region about to rotate into view.  That active region is now named AR3685.  When the Sun rose for me in Hawaii for a 3rd clear morning in the same week (unheard of for the past couple of months), I saw some nice loop proms.  I was able to capture images over an hour and 20 minutes to create an animation.  The animation spans from 1749 - 1909 UT so these proms were still active over 3 hours after the X3 class flare.

I used my Lunt LS80THa, TeleVue 3x barlow and ASI174MM camera.  Capture sequence was 10 sec video with a 20 sec delay.  Stacked in Autostakkert!3, sharpened and aligned in ImPPG and PIPP for the animated GIF.

Unfortunately, the TeleVue 3x barlow seems to have introduced Newton's Rings.  My animation from the 13th used a Meade 3x barlow and had no rings.  I also had to deal with a few passing clouds and there is about a 4 minute section completely missing due to clouds.  However, I am pleased with the resulting animation, especially since the weather has been so uncooperative for most of this year.

The active region seen in the lower right is AR3679 and it also shows a bit of minor flaring and motion of the filament, the dark C-shaped structure.
