Contains:  Solar system body or event
Strawberry Mineral Supermoon, 100%, 20220615 01:42cedt, Canon EOS R, RF 600mm 2x, Wouter Cazaux

Strawberry Mineral Supermoon, 100%, 20220615 01:42cedt, Canon EOS R, RF 600mm 2x

Strawberry Mineral Supermoon, 100%, 20220615 01:42cedt, Canon EOS R, RF 600mm 2x, Wouter Cazaux

Strawberry Mineral Supermoon, 100%, 20220615 01:42cedt, Canon EOS R, RF 600mm 2x



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Strawberry Mineral Supermoon, 100%

Last night’s strawberry supermoon was a beautiful sight! 🤩

Why is it called the ‘Strawberry Moon’? According to The Old Farmer's Almanac, the title "strawberry moon" was coined by the Algonquin, Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota Native American tribes. They chose this name "to mark the ripening of 'June-bearing' strawberries that are ready to be gathered," the almanac says.

I nearly missed the moonrise because I was driving and couldn’t find a spot free from trees or other obstacles on the horizon. But once I had the camera set up, I was able to pick the strawberries from the moon in the sky … The moon was quite low on the horizon (12-14 degrees), only just clipping the trees and the hedge, and in an area of the sky where I’m generally impacted with a lot of light pollution.

This time I went for shorter exposures, which meant that with the f22 lens, I had to go for a higher ISO, loosing out on some of the moon-detail. Processing was a bit less straightforward than I was used to. I had a hard time finding the right wavelets in RegiStax and eventually switched to the MultiScaleLineairTransformation in PixInsight. Post-processing in Lightroom and Photoshop to,saturate the mineral colours, improve the contrast and add in the background glow.

The moon’s surface material, known as regolith, has subtle colour differences created by the mineral composition in any particular area. The blue tones reveal areas rich in ilmenite, which contains iron, titanium and oxygen, mainly titanium, while the orange and purple colours show regions relatively poor in titanium and richer in iron

Moon: Canon EOS R, 600mm+Extender 2x, 200x 1/500 f22 ISO800
Glow: 1x 1/2 f22 ISO800
20220615 01:42cedt
AutoStakkert, PixInsight, Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom

It’s a bit of a rough image, but I’m happy with this first try … 🤩

Clear Skies everybody! 🤩✨🔭

Follow me @astrowaut
