Contains:  Solar system body or event
Saturn, Michael Armentrout


Saturn, Michael Armentrout




Acquisition details



Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and the second-largest planet in the solar system. It's the farthest planet from Earth that's visible to the naked human eye, but the planet's most outstanding features — its rings — are better viewed through a telescope. Although the other gas giants in the solar system — Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune — also have rings, Saturn's rings are particularly prominent, earning it the nickname the "Ringed Planet."
Saturn is a gas giant made up mostly of hydrogen and helium. Saturn's volume is greater than 760 Earths, and it is the second most massive planet in the solar system, about 95 times Earth's mass. The Ringed Planet is the least dense of all the planets, and is the only one less dense than water. If there were a bathtub big enough to hold it, Saturn would float.
The yellow and gold bands seen in Saturn's atmosphere are the result of superfast winds in the upper atmosphere, which can reach up to 1,100 mph (1,800 km/h) around its equator, combined with heat rising from the planet's interior. Saturn rotates about once every 10.5 hours. The planet's high-speed spin causes Saturn to bulge at its equator and flatten at its poles. The planet is around 75,000 miles (120,000 kilometers) across at its equator, and 68,000 miles (109,000 km) from pole to pole.

Seeing: Average
Bortle 4
Edge 8 hd
Televue 2x
Ui/ir cut filter
Zwo adc
Asiair plus
60sec 21000frames best 60%
Edited in pipp, autostackart, registax (wavelets), pixinsight and final touches in photoshop



Saturn, Michael Armentrout