Contains:  Solar system body or event
Moon 86% - 20220512 22:18, Canon EOS R, 600mm, Single shot, Wouter Cazaux

Moon 86% - 20220512 22:18, Canon EOS R, 600mm, Single shot

Moon 86% - 20220512 22:18, Canon EOS R, 600mm, Single shot, Wouter Cazaux

Moon 86% - 20220512 22:18, Canon EOS R, 600mm, Single shot



Acquisition details



Moon 86% - 20220512 22:18, Canon EOS R, 600mm, Single shot

What was the experience
I like to push the boundaries of my skills, to learn and advance. Throughout last week, I’ve been glaring at the moon every evening, as it was growing night after night, making various camera shots, testing out the lenses, and playing.around making a Timelapse of the moon’s voyage through the evening sky (see my Instagram account @astrowaut).
Unconsciously hopeful in preparing for the lunar eclipse on Monday morning (no chance, cloud/rain forecast and very low to the horizon … but, nothing tried, nothing gained)

Usually, to get pin-sharp lunar images you need a ‘larger’ focal length, involving the stacking of numerous images captured through a video and applying wavelets-processing.

For this image, I wanted to see how far I would get with a single image, and straightforward standard image-processing in Adobe.

How it was done
Canon EOS R, 600mm, 1/125s f11 ISO100
Processing: Lightroom(Mac)

What have I learned from this
Learning all the sophisticated processing, we tend to forget the simple, straightforward things. Always important to still know the basics … 😉

Clear Skies everybody! 🤩✨🔭

Follow me @astrowaut
